Rule #1Be nice to one another
Rule #2Don't do or talk about these things:
- How to pirate software
- Inappropriate sexual adult content
- Gore or violence
- Insulting, threatening, slanderous, hateful comments... or just being rude
- Vulgarity or profanity
- Racist, sexist, or homophobic comments
Rule #3Forum etiquette:
- Don't double post, edit your previous post instead
- No single word or bump posts
- No backseat moderation... if someone is breaking the rules, use the "Report to moderator" link
- No reaction images (image only responses that aren't screenshots or otherwise relevant)
- Don't quote entire posts without editing for relevance, only quote portions of posts that are relevant
- Don't make unreferenced claims about Universe Sandbox (like release dates, pricing, or project direction) without adding "I think..."
Put actual topic information in subject line, rather than something like "I have a question", so a post can read "at a glance" as well.- Please attempt to use proper grammar, spelling, and capitalization; do not use
textspeak, chatspeak, or all-caps as examples.
- You're welcome to post in other languages, but only if you also provide a translated version of what you wrote in English (if only via Google Translate)
- Only one account per person. Do not create multiple accounts.
If you break these rules...- Your message or thread will be deleted without warning
- Additional offenses can lead to temporary or permanent ban at our discretion
In addition...- We reserve the right to change these rules at any time... and use our own judgement as to what is and isn't breaking the spirit of the rules
- Rules 1 and 2 apply to the Everything Else board as well, but it is less strictly moderated