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Author Topic: Interface Stops Responding + Some Other Issues  (Read 5331 times)


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Interface Stops Responding + Some Other Issues
« on: August 23, 2014, 10:38:54 AM »
I started a new simulation and added the Sun. I increased the mass until it became a supernova, but after it became a supernova, it looked like time didn't pass in the simulation until I added another body (Betelgeuse). Then the supernova began to expand.

During the simulation there were problems with the window: If I clicked another program in the taskbar (on Windows 8'), Universe Sandbox would still be in front of it. I could only view the other programs by clicking the minimize button on Universe Sandbox, which worked. This appears to be the same issue as here:

Towards the end of the simulation the interface became glitchy, every time I left click anywhere in the window, the interface disappears for a very short while, and the interface stopped responding. I couldn't zoom, but only rotate around Betelgeuse (the rotation was also glitchy, since some of the times I clicked and dragged, nothing happened). I had Notepad++ open at the same time and was typing in that while running the sim near the end, it occasionally seemed to borrow the cursor from there as you can see in the video.

Logs are attached and here's a video of how the window looks at the end of the simulation (I try to click buttons and bodies and try rotating, only rotating works).



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Re: Interface Stops Responding + Some Other Issues
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2014, 10:51:36 AM »
I started a new simulation and added the Sun. I increased the mass until it became a supernova, but after it became a supernova, it looked like time didn't pass in the simulation until I added another body (Betelgeuse). Then the supernova began to expand.

This is a century old bug. It still gets on my nerves every time.

Towards the end of the simulation the interface became glitchy, every time I left click anywhere in the window, the interface disappears for a very short while, and the interface stopped responding. I couldn't zoom, but only rotate around Betelgeuse (the rotation was also glitchy, since some of the times I clicked and dragged, nothing happened). I had Notepad++ open at the same time and was typing in that while running the sim near the end, it occasionally seemed to borrow the cursor from there as you can see in the video.

I have experienced this many many times. I wanted to send feedback but I couldn't because the UI blinked every time I clicked something. I know how to make this bug happen any time. First, create a simple star system (just put a planet around a star), then you open the Properties of the planet and go to Orbital Elements. There, keep constantly increasing the Semi-Major Axis using the + button. After some time the planet will no longer be in orbit. The values in the orbital elements section will turn grey and that blinking UI problem will happen. You'll have to restart US.