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Author Topic: Star destroyes more massive black hole  (Read 4664 times)


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Star destroyes more massive black hole
« on: August 11, 2014, 06:24:20 AM »
I placed a 100_m black hole. And VY Canis majoris

The black hole is 100x the sun in mass.
VY canis majoris is 17.

When they collided the black hole was gone. And the star had the mass of 117 suns.


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Re: Star destroyes more massive black hole
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2014, 09:50:49 AM »
I also saw this bug in a different form. I was using a black hole 1x the sun's mass and Venus. After colliding, Venus became a star. I'm not sure what is causing this bug, but I have a feeling that it does NOT have to do with the diameter of the two object.


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Re: Star destroyes more massive black hole
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2014, 10:06:17 AM »
I think the more massive (and maybe dense) are the bodies involved in a collision, the weirder is the result. So far I've seen several "Sirius B's", "Rigels" and black holes destroyed by far more lighter objects, and I thought the holes were indestructible :'(.


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Re: Star destroyes more massive black hole
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2014, 10:09:16 AM »
I just collided Sirius B with proxima centauri, and it became a star larger than the sun, then collided it with another proxima centauri and it exploded in a unusually bright nova/supernova which glitched my HUD and i had to turn off my PC and turn it back on


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Re: Star destroyes more massive black hole
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2014, 10:10:18 AM »
Scientifically, black holes should be indestructible. But I'm sure the devs will work this one out.


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Re: Star destroyes more massive black hole
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2014, 02:26:14 PM »
It's a case not properly accounted for yet, so the general purpose code is running instead of proper handling for super high mass bodies. Which would not allow any mass to escape.

I'll try to get that fixed as soon as I can.

"Right now all of the impact melt is coming from the body being hit. So they can lose rather large amounts of mass to fragmentation, depending on the impact velocity.

I'm working on having the mass come from both the impacting and impacted body instead. That should fix a lot of these odd cases with loss of mass. Until then, there's going to be some weirdness."