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Author Topic: How do you write?  (Read 14759 times)


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How do you write?
« on: April 07, 2010, 08:55:22 PM »
I want to know what your method is when not restricted by SCHOOL!

I will write like this...

First I don't organize my thoughts, then I get my paper or a place to type, then I think of what it is I need to write about. Then When that is, I start it off with a good introduction or whatever it is. Then I get into is, still only thinking of ideas on the way...

My ideas are usually very plentiful.

The reason i think this works, it because hen you start off you don't know how to fit some things in or not know things that may come up when you write later if you just use an organizer.


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2010, 10:10:25 PM »
1) Write plenty of things.
2) Delete the bad things.
3) Expand.
4) Correct and delete.


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2010, 10:29:41 PM »
You are too elaborate.


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2010, 06:56:38 PM »
This is mine story.

   Cats are my specialty. All 1882 of them live in this housing thing. It’s massive. Now it is so huge that now it takes me 6-8 minutes to reach the other end. My name is not Bob. My name is actually Rine`u Heern Freemalp. Or just Rine pronounced like Rinay. I have three human friends, named Kella, Bob (yes Bob) and Jacque. My wife, Lina, lives above ground. This entire complex is underground.
   This is from the point of view of one of my cats, so it’ll probably get relatively stupid at times. His name is Gregino. They all have names, but I only have about 700 of the names memorized.
   My name is Gregino. I am a tabby cat. Everyone calls me Greg, and this has been a relatively common life for a cat to live so far. But I’m gonna make it change. All of my friends call me either Greg, Gerg, or Gregi (sounds like green).
   There was dynamite in the complex. Yes, dynamite. If someone were to step on this, a massive area of the complex would explode into smithereens. I’ve been outside a countless number of times, but I have never seen dynamite, which some people like to call trinitrotoluene. Smarties. Whoever placed it there must not have been right in the head when they did place it. All I know about dynamite is that it’s usally red, it explodes, and it’s in round packages.
   I was so paranoid about the dynamite that I would analyze every square inch of wall there was to analyze. But then, the dynamite might be in the floor or even stuck inside the ceiling. It was impossible to tell if there was dynamite or not, because the walls are mostly red. But they are flat, and the hallways are large, while dynamite is small and round.
   My two best friend’s names are Ililill and Redilill –ilill is a common name ending.
   “Hey Ilill.” I said.
   “Stop doing that!” Redilill said.
   “Well there’s only 317 cats with an ending Ilill.” I replied.
   “317!” Redilill exclaimed. “You have no idea how many cats that is.”
   “Sue me.” I replied.
   “Call me RED. Not Ilill.”
   “Okay. But have you found a suspicious red package?”
   “Umm… No.”
   “How about dynamite?”
   “Shouldn’t we search some more?”
   “There’s about one million square feet of wall, so I’d say yes.”
   “SB 1070.” a random background voice said.
   “Then let’s depart to search.”
   “There’s one side that’s still completely unsearched… We’ll search over on that side.”
   And so we left. It wasn’t all that insteresting… until about forty minutes into the examination process. There was an abrupt hole in the wall. It was about eight feet tall by seven feet wide. I went into the hole, expecting nothing. Even though there was nothing, there was a gateway to a seemingly impossible world. The islands in it were literally floating. And they weren’t floating on water, but they were floating on air.
   “Come look at this!” I told Red.
   “What is it?” he asked.
   “It’s a huge floating skyland.”
   “What do you mean?”
   “The islands on it are floating and not in the ocean.”
   “Go in there.”
   “There’s no point.”
   Redilill hopped in to show me it was safe. He bounced around and started frog-hopping the islands. After about three minutes, he had finally convinced me to jump into the skyland. I jumped in with him, and the portal looked into the cat ‘shelter’. I also noticed that the drops eventually led to water or land. I figured down at the bottom was of little to no importance to this sky world that is hovering above the landscape.
   “Do you know what happened to do this?” he asked.
   “You’ve been here before?” I inquired of him.
   “Yes, but I thought you might have been here before.”
   “But then who else would there be to tell of this place before the portal island is overcrowded?”
   “About two thousand cats can fit comfortably on this island all at once.”
   “Two thousand?” I questioned. “It looks more like one hundred to two hundred cats.”
   “Look behind you to see.”
   “All I see is the portal.”
   “Walk over on a side of the portal.”
   “That is massive.” I sat in amazement.
   “Gregi, you can definitely be stubborn sometimes.” Redilill commented.
   “I know.”
   “But why would the portal island become overcrowded?”
   “About fifteen of the twenty islands that are close by are too far away to hop to.”
   “So?” Redilill asked. “Then use the five islands that you can reach.”
   “But, how will you build any kind of shelter or anything?”
   “The cat way.”
   “I’ll go get cats.”
   I jumped back into the cat thing to show more cats the sky world. Every other cat I found followed me to the sky land, even though everyone’s instinct, including mine, is to be solitary, but this sky world would be some kind of social experiment. After finding 40 cats and 15 following cats, I asked the names. The names of the cats were Niña, Gondon, Tillie, Hanilill, Ililill (my friend), Fioña, Farlen, Jacq, Quide Llan, Llan, Dolbe Llan, Llana, Dolba Llana (a single litter), Hanible, and Sammie.
   Jumping into the skyland, I said, “Come on! It’s fine! There is land right off the exit, so don’t worry you’ll not fall deep into an endless pit.”
   “And how do you get to the other islands?”
   “Like this.”
   I prepared my legs to use the full force of my body to push it to the furthest extent, kneeled down on my haunches, and sprang forth like the wind creating an updraft. The jump seemed to last forever because I looked down, and I comuld barely see the water 15,000 feet below because of a slight fog, which bothered me. My back paws hit just barely close enough to land on the other islands, and not fall to an endless death.
   “For now getting from island to island is extremely dangerous, but it will improve with when there are jumping boards to make island hopping easier. That’ll probably come in two to five months.” I said.
   All of the cats hopped in, except Tillie, Niña, Fioña, and Llana.
   “Girls too.”
   They hopped in as well, reinforcing the fact that this skyland was already sucessful. The dangers of this venture are: If there are people, island hopping, and possible night dangers. I’ve heard of random night monsters, so if there are, then that would be a problem as well. And since I cannot read, the only one I know about is different sized spiders.
   There was a groaning sound beneath that lasted almost five minutes. The island shook, and it fell nearly 500 feet. This couldn’t be good. All I saw was a giant paw before the groaning was over, and the island slowly rose back to its previous height.
   “What just happened?” I asked Redilill.
   “Sometimes that happens.” He told me.
   “Well is it an animal or a natural event?”
   “I don’t know what it is, or why is does it, but it is an animal.”
   Well, no one other than Redilill and I even noticed that the island descended and then ascended five hundred feet, which is usually not a good thing. Several of the cats then went back through the portal. Fortunately the portal isn’t hovering, so if the island descends, the portal descends, and if the island ascends, then the portal ascends with it. I stepped into the portal, asking myself whether the groan was actually a thing, or if it was just the island because it was descending. But, why would the is;and descend in the first place?
   Was it just gravity trying to take over, or was it something more worrying like a super-creature? Super-creatures are actually worse because they are very persistent, do not give up until their goal is reached, and they are always larger than four hundred feet across.
   Settling down for the night, I dreamt of huge land formations like a large over-hanging cliff, a deep underwater cave, and huge mountains towering thousands of feet tall. All throughout every dream, a creepy voice said, “This is the beginning, not the end.” For all I knew that could mean that the landform dreams would continue for a while, or that the world was still starting.
   When I woke up, one of the worst things I could have done was tell Redilill, because he would try and learn this ‘language’ that he thought the voice was speaking. Even though he always annoyed me when he did that, it did actually help a bit since that was what I could make out, and the rest was complete gibberish.
   “Why are you so insistant on going to that sky land, Gregi?” Redilill asked.
   ”Because.” I answered.
   “Because.” he said.
   “You’re copying me.”
   “You’re copying me.”
   “Stop it.”
   “Stop it.”
   “I hate you.”
   “I like you.”
   “I like you.”
   “What does this have to do with anything?”
   “I like you.”
   “Can you say anything other than ‘I like you.’?”
   “I like you.”
   “Are you sane right now?”
   “I like you.”
   “Two hundred sixty-seven is my favorite number.”
   “No it isn’t.”
   “What is it, then?”
   “It’s fifty-nine.”
   “You know me too well.”
   “Did you have sugar last night?”
   “No, why?”
   “You’re insane.”
   “No, you’re insane.”
   “That’s why I like you.”
   “You are insane. That’s why I like you.”
   “You’re insane.” I replied. “That’s your specialty.”
   “Are you saying I like you and you like me?”
   “Of course.”
   “Well, you are a boy.”
   “And only about one third your age.”
   “You know my age?”
   “Yes. If I didn’t then I wouldn’t know a lot about you, would I?”
   “This is creepy. I just wanted to go into the skyland.”
   “Well then leave.”
   “And what about Ililill?”
   “He just sleeps until the crack of noon.”
   “Well what could be lingering in the sky land after night is over?”
   “Spiders, green camoflauge unsteady things that create a big hole in the ground and hide in it during the day, and cerenatorids.”
   “What’s a cerenatorid?”
   “It’s a large floating and howling jellyfish that lives beneath the skyland, waiting until night again to descend to the water and eat fish.”
   “But it doesn’t sound dangerous.”
   “It can be at dawn and sometimes at dusk, too.”
   “What do cerenatorids do at dawn that could be dangerous?”
   “They nibble on the clay hanging down from the islands.”
   “But there isn’t that much clay.”
   “On some of the islands, almost the whole island is clay. Cerenatorids love to hang around those types of islands.”
   “And what does the clay do?”
   “On a lot of the nearly one hundred percent clay islands, it keeps the island steady in the air because it didn’t get enchanted to just hang yet.”
   “So is the portal island enchanted?”
   “Yes, but the island you hopped on to yesterday was not.”
   “Let’s go into the skyland.”
   Running as fast as I could, I tried to beat Redilill to the skyland, but since he has been there many more times, he got there long before I did, which didn’t really bother either of us, as it was fun to try and get there first. When I entered, I saw a cerenatorid eating clay on the other island. It seemed calm to me at first, but it was growling while it was eating the clay.
   “Is it defending its clay?” I asked.
   “Yes, they do that sometimes.” Redilill answered.
   “It’s huge!”
   “Yeah, they are up to fifty feet across. And they can make a huge mess if they’re messy eaters.”
   “Does the clay fall if they don’t eat it soon enough?”
   “Yes, and it lands all over everything below.”
   I watched the white cerenatorid carry it and its eight ‘legs’ back down to the sea, where it proceeded to just fly around like a bird. Except it was a large floating air jellyfish, but it wasn’t transparent and it had a face.
   Apparently the spiders are the dumbest night monster because I saw one literally murder itself by jumping right off the ledge of the island. They’re black like most spiders, but they are up to four feet across and have two eyes instead of eight. Which also makes them kind of… Well cuter is how you could put it.
There you go.


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2010, 07:47:10 PM »


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2010, 08:59:18 PM »
How do you pronounce a "ll"? Do you pronounce "ll" like the "y" on "yes"?
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 09:08:00 PM by deoxy99 »


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2010, 09:17:52 PM »
Like an L.



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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2010, 09:31:09 PM »
Like an L.
"Ll" does not sound like "l" in "llama" in Spanish.


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2010, 09:42:04 PM »
These aren't the Mexican interwebz I don't think


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2010, 10:39:34 PM »
I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2010, 10:43:51 PM »
what are you guys talking about?


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2010, 10:52:24 PM »
what are you guys talking about?


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2010, 10:56:25 PM »

what are you guys talking about?


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2010, 06:58:52 AM »
wu guhking aboare yoysat tal ut?


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #14 on: November 08, 2010, 04:24:51 PM »
How I write:
1. Write
2. Success !


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2010, 10:19:53 AM »
Subject: How do you write?
Author: deoxy99
To: NeutronStar
CC: Naru523, Darvince, Bla
BCC: deoxy99
I write without a graphic organizer.


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2010, 11:31:35 AM »
wu guhking aboare yoysat tal ut?


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2010, 12:12:41 PM »
That's not Spanglench.


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2010, 12:08:46 PM »
Here's what the main characters look like. :D


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #19 on: November 28, 2010, 05:03:10 PM »
Herein ke. :Dhcharacter's we lo masok liat th
I see what you did thar!


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #20 on: November 28, 2010, 06:12:43 PM »
I see Ililill is turning out to be the most popular! ;D


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2010, 08:40:18 PM »
no you clicked it... multiple timez.


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2011, 08:53:49 PM »

Also gimme a sentence~ I need to continue~

   I left for the adjacent island to do some exploring, and to find a source of food, if the portal were to shut down again, perhaps even for days on end, keeping acces to the real world impossible. It was more heavily forested than the main island, and there was still a grecamo wandering around. However, it didn’t notice me and just kept on wandering. I then went over towards the back edge of the island, and heard a grunt. Then I heard another grunt.
   I looked up and there was a pack of about twenty or so things that looked like a cross between pigs and aardvarks. All they were doing was standing idly. They were on the back of that island, just snorting and grunting, generally doing nothing. Then, something from behind the creatures came out and started squawking at everything. I followed all the animals, and they led me to a cave system where I saw in large abundance random pigs and such walking around in the cave. There were also roots from trees growing above, with some mushrooms on the floor, one of them even glowing.
   I tried killing one of the pigs from above, and it dropped a whole bunch of meat. I tried to put the meat down, but my inventory wouldn’t let me eat or even place the meat. I left the island for the normal area, and went into the portal back into the normal world, with all my stuff. Also, there were 20 cats just hanging around talking about the skyland. Apparently Redilill had made the skyland much more popular, in its premature stage. Then I went back to my room to see Reyyot listening to music from my nIpod.
   “Reyyot, what are you doing in my bedroom? More importantly, what are you doing streaming my music?” I asked in semi-rage.
   “Oh, I’m just listening to my music off your nipod.” Reyyot responded.
   “Why are you using my nipod?” I asked.
   “I don’t have one, and I love music.” Reyyot responded.
   “Well, then why do you have such a big house?” I asked.
   “Because I like it.” Reyyot said.
   I left my bedroom and headed for Redilill’s. hopefully I could find something to raid in there, and then use it in the skyland. I entered Redilill’s bedroom, which was a mess for some reason. Skimming through his drawers, I found a good bit of small gold pieces. I took a couple, then ran away with about two thousand redins worth of gold. Stocking them in my even-growing gold pile about one hundred feet from the skyland, I saw that Redilill was still in there, making another small shack, but this one was dark inside.
   Entering the skyland again, I took out my obsidian tool and started to dig, and dig, and dig until the inside was about two feet high and there was a small connection between the two small homes. I also added a small bit of cloth to the main home that had two floors, and created a small area with glass bits I found around the outside, making an area where monsters couldn’t get in during the night.
   Just then, I heard a huge, loud sound above me that sounded like a cerenatorid. Redilill and I both looked up, and sure enough, above us, was a larger cerenatorid about sixty feet across. It went over to a nearby island and started diving for fish in the ocean below. We watched it for about ten minutes, until finally, coming out of the trance, finished building the small houses.
   Walking outside, I smelled a foul scent in the air. I assumed that it was a cerenatorid, but then a small grecamo showed up and it was trying to come inside. I hit it at its feet, and it dropped several gunpowder orbs, and I collected them for later use. Then, creating a larger house with windows, we started and made the lower part of the frame. The roof literally arrived several hours later at midday, and we covered the roof with glass. Redilill then took to making windows, and I took to making the second floor of the house.
   Once everything for surviving a night was done, I went over to the island with a cave system and went down into it, and saw a fresh gleaming ore in the wall. With its shininess, it was just tempting me to grab it. I grabbed it, and then the wall collapsed with me in the middle of the rock pile. I ran out from under the falling rocks, and my tail got bent from the rocks hitting my tail.
   I hurriedly left the cave system to see two cerenatorids fighting for a drink at the infinite lake. I watched them battle it out as one hit the other with tentacle-thing after tentacle-thing, until the larger one pushed away the smaller one, and began drinking until it was bloated, which took a grand total of fifteen minutes, surprisingly. Then, the large one left to let the small one drink and the small one drank for ten minutes, which was equally surprising.
   All of this led to me eventually getting one, with three hosues in the skyland due to the magical (and extremely helpful) inventories. I decided to see what would happen during the night with the monsters, and Redilill and Ililill soon left for a safer night’s sleep. I watched until about 9PM skyland time, and then a grecamo popped up outside the house. It took a while, but I gathered the courage to go outside, and I smacked a couple grecamos and collected gunpowder orbs from each.
   Then, two exapartas should up at almost the exact same time, and I ran back into my house. They just wandered around for about half an hour, and then I went back out to try and defeat an exaparta. The first one began by trying to bite my ankle, and I ran up onto its body. Then, smacking its back, I went up towards the top, and it was killed. I collected what it drops, which apparently is not a gunpowder orb, but a “dino egg”. I collected that, and then did the exact same with the other exaparta, and I had two dinosaur eggs in my inventory.
   After the whole night was done, I had a total of ten gunpowder orbs, three eggs, some milk from something, and a bucket. I left the small house for the portal to go sleep, just as I heard a grunt. It was another one of those packs of pig aardvark things, and they were staring at me. Even the piglets were staring at me, until I followed them. They took me to that exact same cave in the area, with about thirty or so of them running around. I walked into the cave a little deeper this time, and I saw many more mushrooms than I would ever need.
   I saw several piglets being taken care of, and they were all just lazily sleeping or doing something else. Some of them were eating, or drinking, or venturing out for more food. I didn’t quite understand which were their enemies, but it seemed like it wasn’t something that could pop up at night or in dark caves, since this cave had no light at all.
   Then, I left to go tell Redilill and Ililill, and something incredibly unexpected happened. Reyyot was making a small flat area with an obsidian tool.
   “Why do you have an obsidian tool?” I asked.
   “I found it in the caves over there.” Reyyot responded.
   “Do you know who left it there, or anything?” I said.
   “No, but it works like magic. What’s it made of?” Reyyot asked.
   I answered, “Obsidian.”
   “What is obsidian?” she asked.
   “It’s a rough and sharp rock usually used to make tools in the real world.” I responded.
   Just then, as we were talking about obsidian and such, Miki showed up. She started this time by screaming, as she usually did, and then she curved below the island, and made a cave system leading from the top to the bottom, which was several thousand feet. I looked over, and there was an entrance into the cave system.
   “Thine houses shall not stop my wrath.” Miki said into our minds.
   “So you speak in Middle English?” I asked.
   “No, I do not. I speak in the father tongue of England.” Miki said.
   Miki then left us with the huge cave system to explore, probably one of the ways to make the skyland more dangerous. I headed into the cave system as the very first thing to do. I kept descending until I saw land below, and it was a breathtaking sight, except for the shadow the skyland was producing. It was water, and I had the distinct urge to go down there, and find what the rest of the world was like. However, I didn’t want to not be able to get to the main home again, so I resisted the urge and went to explore a new island.
   I leapt up through the area, and finally scratched onto the surface, where Reyyot was digging an underground home that was far roomier than the other ones. I went inside, and started helping Reyyot.
   “Why are you digging that way? That’s towards the cave system that the huge thing just created.” Reyyot said.
   “Oh.” I responded and dug another room, and Reyyot dug two rooms. I also started furnishing it after I had gone back to get wool from my wool collection. Once I had done furnishing my bedroom, I started asking Reyyot a bunch of questions. Below are the answers from those questions.
   Reyyot’s first answer was surprsing. “As far as I can see, the skyland streches in all directions except for backwards from the portal.”
   The second answer was even weirder. “A bunch of the tree types are unique to up here.”
   After that, the answeres got even stranger. “I know so much because I was here for a solid two days.” “I’ve been on at least seven of the islands.”
   The fifth answer was a long one. “Yes, the skyland deos move around. I went to sleep on the second night, and then I woke up and there was a mountain range behind me.”
   “On the first night, some unexpected troopers showed up. There were about one hundred of them, all of them following me. In the morning, they burnt and a heap of weak tools lay on the ground.”
   “I collected all the tools, and they’re now in my storage bin inside my house, but oddly one of them gave an obsidian tool for his life.”
   “I think that they liked me, and that they wanted to give me something or talk to me.”
   “What did those things look like?” I asked.
   “They looked vagely human, but they had a green fading outfit, and they looked kind of like a person.” Reyyot said.
   “So what do you think they were?” I asked, interested.
   “I think that they were a person that was sent up to the skyland for eternity.” Reyyot responded, intriguing me even more than before.
   “Also, there is a weird pig species that lives mostly in caves and seemingly live off of mushrooms, and I’ve vistied then many times.” I replied.
   “I’ve never seen them. Care to take me to see these mysterious pig creatures?” Reyyot asked.
   “Sure, I’ll take you.” I said.
   I left off for the nearby heavily forested island, where the pigs lived. She was right on my heel, just following as close as a baby duck would its mother. Once we got there, she headed straight for where there was light glowing inside the cave, to investigate. I also followed her, even though they were just bioluminescent mushrooms emitting light in the dark cave. I went through a maze of passages, each one more lit by mushrooms than the last. Finally I came to a cave that had full illumination from just mushrooms. It was a startling ending, because there was also a small hole about one half of a foot across that would lead to certain doom in there.
   Climbing back up, in the general direction that it seems that Reyyot went, I finally met up with her in a tunnel moderately lit by mushrooms, where there were baby pigs being fed, and many more piglets sleeping under the low roof. At the end, there was also a mother pig sitting on what seemed to be eggs, which was quite peculiar. I had a sudden rush of urge to go meet with the mother pig and steal several of her eggs, but I decided it was better to make friends with these strange animals.
   Exiting the cave towards the outside world, I find it to be almost too bright to handle, even with the shade of the forest and the bioluminescent mushrooms inside. There were several grecamos on the island, which I snipped at the feet to kill them, and they weren’t that much of a threat anymore anyways. I also went through the portal to show Ililill the new animals and also to tell him about it.
   “Hey, Ill, I found a cave that has a bunch of animals in it that look like a cross between a pig and an aardvark. I think if we can tame them from their wild ways, they might be a food source in two ways since they lay eggs.” I began the conversation.
   “What are you calling them?” Ililill asked me.
   “I’m calling them paardvarks, since they look like a cross between a pig and an aardvark.” I replied.
   “Also, did you find any grasses that are chewable and can help me eat stuff like that?” Ililill asked.
   “No, but the pig is a big first step. I’m also very tired since I was awake the entire night watching nasty creatures be born and die within a night.” I said.
   “Why were you doing that?” Ililill asked me, weirded out.
   “To see what kinds of animals there are.” I replied.
   I then left and did the exact same thing with Reyyot with the pigs and everything. But this time, I followed Ililill since he would probably explore the darkest caverns looking for some monsters. Ililill first turned by heading towards the left, instead of the right, which lead to the mushrooms. However, there were still paardvarks down here, and they were looking like they were quite content, even in the pitch blackness. There was a low groan, and emerging from the darkness was not a monster, but a paardvark. He seemed to be heading out to find grass, since the area just outside the cave was full of grass.
   Ililill then turned away from the majority of the paardvarks, and headed into a cavern that looked dimly lit by bioluminescent mushrooms. They were in small patches, but these ones were far weeaker than the mushrooms on the right side of the cavern. I also saw about twenty of its closest friends, all hanging out around a hole, trying to push one of them in. the only problem with their activity is that the paardvarks are too large to fit through the holes. Also, I noticed a large absence of baby paardvarks. I think that they needed to grow in light, so they were all on the right side of the cavern.
   Also there was another game going on, where there were ten pigs contesting each other to roll down a mild slope in the cavern. I knew which one would win, because he looked the heaviest, and was on the steepest part. We ourselves followed behind them, and found two choices for going into. We took the right path, to see if the side connect. I found that they did, just barely, and I looked at the hole in the other cavern for what must have been about ten minutes, which is an absurdly long time.
   Finding myself without Ililill again, I ran straight across to the left side of the cavern, where Ililill found the first monster in this labyrinth, and has killed it. From afar, he seemed to be celebrating the kill, and was being a rather tricky fellow. I then approached him, and there was a piece of fire ahead. I touched it, but did not get singed or anything at all. Then, four exapartas appeared. They were all heading towards Ililill, signaling Ililill to run. However, I came up behind them and got two of them to follow me. I somehow managed to leap onto the first ones back, and also somehow killed it. I congradulated myself, and did the same for the other one, and left the room.
   After several minutes of doing the exact same thing over and over, I heard a squeaking sound. It sounded like a mouse or a squeaky toy. There were several mice nearby. I slid through a small opening, swishing my tail back and forth, and swatted at the mouse. Then, the mouse scrambled up the wall, and I pounced after him.
   “Hey, Ililill, there’s a mouse over here!” I exclaimed.
   There was no response. I waited for what seemed like forever, until he finally showed up. He was very excited that there were mice in the skyland, since he loves pouncing down mice and sometimes playing with them.
   “You found some mice in the skyland?” Ililill asked. “That’s awesome! I love mice.”
   Ililill then proceeded to play with the mice. He first began by pouncing the first mouse, which then ran away. Ililill followed the mouse with a longing stare, then pounced and killed it. There were still six mice left. I kept sitting there, just swishing my tail.
   I then pounced on a mouse, with my tail swishing. I started meowing, and Ililill took away the mouse to put in the toy pile in the house up above.


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2011, 08:57:23 PM »
Though a mouse is not a toy, it was placed there anyway.

Does that work?


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2011, 09:01:32 PM »
There seems to be suspense, but I can't feel it emanating from my most recent paragraph.

   I saw random bits of fog and also a light stone that was lit up, and there was a lot of purring coming from the lower sections. I went to investigate, and I could barely see because of all the fog. Then, I saw a large mass just simply hovering over the entire cave system, and it emerged from the fog less than four feet away from me to be a simple cerenatorid. All he wanted to do was to investigate what I was, and did he ever find out what I was. I smacked the cerenatorid in the face, and got a tentacle in return for hitting the cerenatorid in an apparently bad place.

(Technically it's for school, but the only things you have to do are keep up with the word count and not include profane words)

In case you were wondering,
Grecamo = creeper that doesn't explode and attacks with heat.


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #25 on: November 30, 2012, 08:42:39 PM »
kalassak i had a cat
then i got more
then i bumped this topic


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #26 on: December 01, 2012, 02:31:58 AM »
the gray cat is like mine one :)


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #27 on: March 13, 2013, 09:19:04 PM »
this is a cute topic


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2013, 01:19:56 PM »
should i write a He story? y/n


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Re: How do you write?
« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2013, 01:27:52 PM »