I don't want to watch something religious. It's boring.
This is not religious, this is against religion.

But if you don't want to watch it, then don't.

I've tried to put some other things into it as well though, to make it more exciting. But the playlist was mainly made for atheists, and a little bit for persons who just like Science (most atheists do that).
I would watch it but idk why I'm not. Umm... Yeah.
In USA, there appears to be a very negative view on atheists, and I don't know if it could have become somehow "hardwired" into most people's minds that they should just stay away from things that have to do with atheism. Even though more than 10% of the population in USA is actually atheists (even though it's much higher in Europe, for example it's more than 80% here in Denmark). It might be worst in "the Bible Belt" though.
But I think everyone who doesn't want to watch it shouldn't.
Edit: Added 5 new videos to the playlist.