After the events of ██/██/19██ the Alchemist Hare have said in one speech :
<< We are all aware that the end of the world is near,
█████ was defeated, but a new threat has emerged, its name is ██████,
it has the ability to destroy the human brain by injecting venom called █████████, or more commonly called ██-███-████, the only cure is to ███████ the brain, this technique was used by the barbarians of ████████ to heal the ███████.
To kill the ██████ itself, you have to hit his ████████; this is its most fragile organ.
We must unite against ██████ !
Remember, we must unite against ██████ !! >>
Soon after this speech, the Alchemist Hare was found with with a lot of injuries, mainly at the ████ and at the █████.
A witness tells us this :
<< They were about 10 or 11 armed with crowbars[...]they began by threats[...]and it ends with very violent blows. >>
He gave us a very accurate description of the facts, but he did refuse to describe the aggressors.
The witness was found shortly after death with several injuries. The injuries shaped like █████ of ████.
Short time later the Alchemist Hare was healed.