Gather round, children, it's story time.
Once upon a time there was a man named Thomas. He was a very lonely man, so he wandered the land searching for a town to live in. One day, while wandering through the land he happened upon a small settlement called Interguild. He was well liked in the town, and quickly moved in. While he was in the market buying supplies, he happened upon two other men, named Darvince and Jorster. They quickly became friends, and formed a small group called The Clique. The Clique was a very exclusive group, and had its own code language, dubbed Darspeak after its creator Darvince. They delegated a section of the Interguild as the “Clique Talk Threadâ€, and spent most of their time there, speaking in Darspeak so not to confuse anyone with their discussion. Every once and a while someone from the other parts of Interguild would accidentally wander into Clique controlled territory, and get very confused, and sometimes even offended by the Darspeak. The Clique brushed it off as people not understanding the deepness and complexities of the language, and soon started exclusively speaking Darspeak, for they had forgotten English. Eventually the leaders of Interguild got fed up with Darspeak, and cast out The Clique. Now, as refugees, they began a search for new home. Darvince had heard of a close knit town several hundred miles away, and they began the long walk there. After arriving, they introduced themselves as The Clique, but alas they had forgotten how to use normal English and had to attempt to communicate in Darspeak. Sadly, the members of this town got fed up fairly quickly, and pushed for the owner, Dan Dixon, to cast them out as refugees. Little did they know, that Dan was actually an agent of The Clique, and that the community was already under Clique control.