You said in an earlier post that Universe Sandbox 2 would be free to all the people who brought license for any price, for Universe Sandbox 1.
I'm sorry if this is disappointing to anyone, but in order to guarantee a version 3, I need for version 2 to be financially successful. Giving away a year of work to those that paid just a few dollars isn't fair to those that paid more.
The name your own price model has been an interesting experiment, but moving forward we'll be moving to a fixed price for everyone.
At the same time, I don't want to leave anyone behind because of an inability to pay for the upgrade. I'm finding that balancing business with my desire to give everything away is tricky.
At the same time, too much generosity wouldn't provide the funding necessary to further development over the next year.
I can't wait to pay more money to the development of this awesome program!

Can we still donate with a fixed price?
Of course.