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Author Topic: few chinase translate, Properties window and Tutorial  (Read 6527 times)


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few chinase translate, Properties window and Tutorial
« on: December 14, 2013, 11:31:00 PM »
untill now, only complete Properties window and Tutorial, other windows translate on the way.

hope can adds chinese language in application, i can help if need. ;)

---Properties = 属性
--Basic = 要素
-General = 特征
Name = 名字
Mass = 质量
Radius = 半径
Density = 密度
Age = 年龄
Velocity = 公转速度
Velocity Relative = 相对速度
Relative Body = 相对对象
Rotational Period = 自转周期
Position Lock = 位置锁定
Water Level = 水面高度
MoltenFactor = 炙热因素

-Atmosphere = 大气
Show Atmosphere = 显示大气
Show Clouds = 显示云层
AtmosphereMass= 大气质量
SurfacePressure = 地面气压
Scaleheight = 大气高度
Temperature = 温度
Albedo = 返照率
GreenhouseEffect = 温室效应
Use Climate Model = 使用气候模型

-Advanced Climate Settings = 高级气候设置
Land Heat Capacit...
Water Heat Capacti...
Coupling Coefficie...
Simulate Albedo F...
Infraed Energy to...
Infrared Fit Param...
Equator-to-Pole Di...
Simulate Hadley C...
Reset Climate to Default = 重置为默认气候

-Orbital Elements = 轨道参数
Obliquity = 轴倾斜
Argument of Obliquity = 轴倾斜幅度
Semi-Major Axis = 轨道长半径
Eccentricity = 离心率
Inclination = 轨道倾角
Argument of Peria...
Right Ascension of ...
Mean Anomoly = 平均近点角
Orbital period = 轨道周期
Periapsis Distance = 近日点
Apoapsis Distance = 远日点

First steps = 第一步

Welcome to the Universe Sandbox 2 Alpha! = 欢迎来到宇宙沙盒2 Alpha测试版!
This tutorial will guide you through your first steps with the application. = 本教程会指导你迈出使用本程序的第一步。
Click Next to continue = 点击下一步继续
Next = 下一步

This is a simulated model of our solar system. = 这是我们太阳系的模拟模型。

You can change your view by holding a mouse button and dragging the mouse, swiping on a touchpad or using the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard. = 你可以按住鼠标左键并移动鼠标,在触摸板或是使用键盘上的左右箭头来改变你的视角。

You can zoon in and out by using the mouse wheel,scrolling on a touchpad or using the up and down arrow keys on your Keyboard. = 你可以使用鼠标滚轮,滚动触摸板或是键盘上的上下箭头来拉近或拉远视角

Use the mouse, touchpad or keyboard to zoom in and out. = 使用鼠标,触摸板或是键盘来拉进或拉远视角。

You can pause and resume the simulation using the Space Bar on your keyboard or the Play / Pause button in the lower left corner. = 你可以使用键盘上的空格键或点击左下角的继续或暂停按钮来暂停或继续模拟。
This is helpful if you're finding it hard to click things because they're moving so fast. = 这会帮助你发现那些移动很快的天体。
Go ahead and pause the simulation now. = 尝试暂停一下模拟。
Press Space Bar or click the Play / pause button to pause the simulation = 按空格键或点击 继续/暂停 按钮来暂停模拟。

Click on any planet to select it. = 单击任意星球来选中它。
Click on any planet = 单击任意星球

Click on the currently selected planet again to make the camera follow it. = 再次单击选择的星球来让视角跟随它。
Click on the selected planet again = 再次单击选择的星球

You can quickly zoom in on  the selected body by pressing enter. = 你可以按回车键来快速拉近已选择天体的视角。
Press Enter to zoom in = 按回车键拉近视角

Well Done! let's take a closer look at the selected body. Here you can see several of its basic properties at a glance. = 干得好!来靠近观察已选择的天体,这样你可以看到天体的基本属性。
clock on 'more' to bring up a window with the complete list of properties. = 单击“更多”来展开完整的属性窗口。
Click on more = 单击“更多”

This window allows you to see and edit the properties of the currently selected object. = 这个窗口允许你查看与编辑已选择的天体属性。
It might look a little overwhelming right now, but don't worry, we will cover it in a different tutoral. = 看起来有点无法抗拒,不过别担心,我们会在特别的教程中介绍它。
When you're done browsing close the properties window to continue. = 看完的话就关闭属性窗口来继续教程
Close the Proberties window = 关闭属性窗口

Chart mode lets you view and compare the bodies of any simulation. = 图表模式可以让你观察与比较任何模拟星系的天体。
Lets try that now. = 来让我们试试这个功能。
Click on the chart button = 单击图表按钮

You can select different modes to arrange the objects by their properties. = 你可以选择不同的模式来按照天体的属性排序。
Then you're done, click the sim button to return to the simulation view. = 如果你熟悉了就单击模拟按钮来回到模拟视图。
Click on the Sim button to resume. = 单击模拟按钮继续

There are many included simulations to explore. = 这里有很多已经创建好的模拟来探索。
You can find those in the Open tab of the Home menu. = 你可以在主菜单里的“打开”标签来寻找。
Click on Home = 单击主菜单

Vew the full list of included simulations. = 查看所有的模拟列表。
Click on Open = 单击“打开”标签

Select any simulation to open it. = 选择任意模拟来打开它。
Click on any simulation = 单击任意模拟。

Great job! that concludes our tutorial. = 干得好!以上便是我们的全部教程。
You can start the tutorial again at any time by selecting 'Introduction' from the Home menu. If you get lost somehow, you can also bring up the help window by clicking the help button or by pressing 'H' on your keyboard. = 你可以在主菜单的“介绍”选项来再一次开始教程,如果你忘了什么功能,也可以按帮助按钮来打开帮助窗口或者按键盘上的“H”键。
Click Next to continue = 单击下一步继续

As an alpha tester, we have a quick request: = 作为一个Alpha测试者,我们有个小请求:
Please run a simple test and send us the results. = 请运行一个简单的测试并且把结果发送给我们。
when the automatic test is done, add any comments or observations and click sand. = 在自动运行结束后,可以添加一些评论或者直接单击发送按钮。
Thanks so much for your help! = 多谢你的帮助!
Click on run Performance Test = 单击运行性能测试


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Re: few chinase translate, Properties window and Tutorial
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2013, 08:52:12 PM »
home menu.

---Home = 主菜单
--Main =  主要
New... = 新建....
Open... = 打开....
Restart Simulation = 重置模拟
Introduction = 介绍
Troubleshooting = 故障解决
Run Performance Test = 运行性能测试
Send Feedback = 发送反馈
Hands Free demo = 自动演示
Toggle Rift = 切换Oculus Rift
Profiler = 性能分析
Compare Objects = 比较对象
Window to 900x506 = 窗口分辨率为900x506
Window to 1280x720 = 窗口分辨率为1280x720
What's New = 最新功能
Credits = 制作人员
Forum = 论坛
Exit = 退出

--Open = 打开

--Collide = 碰撞
-Settings = 设置
BodyA = 物体A
BodyB = 物体B
Speed = 速度
Angle H =
Angle V =
Rate =
Reset Camera
Pause on Collision
Collision Fragment...
Randomize Particle ...
--Galaxy = 星系
--Galaxy = 超星系

---SETTINGS = 设置
--Basic = 基本
-Graphics = 图像
Graphics Quality = 图像质量
Texture Resolution = 材质分辨率
Filtering Quality = 滤镜质量
Antialiasing = 抗锯齿
Render Shadows = 渲染阴影

-Interface = 界面
Show Grid = 显示网格
Show Labels = 显示标签
Show 3D Labels = 显示3D标签
Show Icons = 显示图标
Show Trails = 显示尾迹
Show Paths = 显示路径
Show Rays = 显示射线

-Display = 显示
Body Colors = 物体颜色
Show Habitable zo....
Show Long/Latitud...
Show Potential Grid...

--Advanced = 高级
-Display = 显示
Base Light Mode = 基本光照模式
Environment Light... =环境光
Paths = 路径
Ecliptic Rays =  黄道射线
Trails = 尾迹
Trail Width = 尾迹宽度
Trail Length = 尾迹长度
Trail Intensity = 尾迹强度

-Collisions = 碰撞
Collision Mode = 碰撞模式
ParticleMultiplier = 粒子数量
Pause on Collision = 碰撞时暂停
Show Particle Glow = 显示粒子光晕
Show Collision Effects =显示碰撞效果
Collision Fragment... =

-Performance = 性能
Particle Density = 粒子密度
Use Multi-Core = 使用多核处理
Pause on low FPS = 低帧数时暂停
Low FPS Threshold = 低帧数阀值

-Debug = 除错
Show Debug Info = 显示除错信息
HUD Velocities = HUD速度

--Simulation = 模拟
-Time = 时间
Fixed | %d
Realtime | %d

-Gravity = 引力
Gravity = 引力
Integrator =
Integration Mode =

-Gravity Advanced = 高级引力
OpenCL Device = OpenCL 设备
Tolerance = 误差
Accuracy = 精度
Softening = 缓冲
Tree Ratio =
Lock Radii = 锁定半径


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Re: few chinase translate, Properties window and Tutorial
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2013, 10:54:18 PM »
This is amazing


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Re: few chinase translate, Properties window and Tutorial
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2013, 04:21:40 PM »

This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '114951'.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 01:20:42 AM by FiahOwl »

Dan Dixon

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Re: few chinase translate, Properties window and Tutorial
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2013, 05:46:48 PM »
We eventually plan to add multi-language support to Universe Sandbox 2, however it will likely be after the initial public release. That said... we'd love help then, but many of this text and labels will change between now and then.


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Re: few chinase translate, Properties window and Tutorial
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2013, 07:20:15 AM »
I'll gladly help with translation to Danish if needed, but I know you already have a developer from Denmark. :P


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Re: few chinase translate, Properties window and Tutorial
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2013, 08:58:04 AM »
Hmmm, are you going to have simplified and traditional?


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Re: few chinase translate, Properties window and Tutorial
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2013, 02:24:51 AM »
We eventually plan to add multi-language support to Universe Sandbox 2, however it will likely be after the initial public release. That said... we'd love help then, but many of this text and labels will change between now and then.

Cool, if need help just ask! i will do my best! :D