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Author Topic: Comet ISON  (Read 25370 times)


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Comet ISON
« on: August 22, 2013, 11:27:28 AM »
Guys we need the coordinates of comet ISON....The heading and the speed...if anyone comes up with that plug it in and let me know, thank you...I will look also


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2013, 11:31:18 AM »
I found them...if anyone knows how to add them please let me know....they can all be found at the following link..I asnwould love to see the gravitational effect on our system...thanks



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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2013, 01:21:12 PM »
Anyone? Dan are you around? please contact me if you are able to add data. Thank you.


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2013, 01:53:53 PM »
Add it to where


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2013, 08:45:52 PM »
Add it to Universe Sandbox...I want to insert the comets ephemeris into Universe Sandbox....this comet is headed directly toward our sun...it is supposed to whip around the sun on November 28, 2013.....I would like to see what the results would be according to this software...I do not know how to add the numbers myself...please help


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2013, 07:39:58 AM »
you can already add comments to universe sandbox 2 i believe


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2013, 06:55:37 AM »
I want to add Comet ISON's coordinates to Universe Sandbox so that it may be an object in Universe Sandbox...I do not want to add any comments....I want to add a Comet........Dudes, a comet is headed straight for our solar system and God is telling me that it is a big deal....it is supposed to whip around our sun and read the Bible for the rest of the answer...just sayin. ...and besides that, it is named Comet ISON....I....SON....The Great I AM, and the Great I SON...idunno man. On October 1, 2013 it will pass right by Mars...read about it....Comet ISON, Nibiru, the winged planet...whatever you want to call it...it is coming..


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2013, 07:05:42 AM »
comets are tiny you crazy person
the most it would do is become the third moon of mars


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2013, 09:29:30 AM »
I beg to differ...who says comets are tiny...That is heresay....we will see either way. You must see the whole picture, not just a sliver of it.


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2013, 09:31:52 AM »
I believe that saying comets are tiny and will have no impact on our solar system is the crazy thing to say. Do some gravity simulations and you will see how non-crazy it really is.


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2013, 09:36:31 AM »
Take a look for yourself...here is the latest image of ISON from the space telescope site...

1) Zoom all the way out and spot ISON
2) Hit the "DARKER" button a few times..
3) Zoom in to ISON
4) Now what are you going to say? Anomaly? Bad pixels? Reflection? I don't think so...



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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2013, 12:13:06 PM »
That's simply the artifact from an object closeby. Are there any planets in that picture for reference?


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2013, 04:07:57 PM »
ISON is much dimmer than it was expected to be... I'm sad.  :(

Take a look for yourself...here is the latest image of ISON from the space telescope site...

1) Zoom all the way out and spot ISON
2) Hit the "DARKER" button a few times..
3) Zoom in to ISON
4) Now what are you going to say? Anomaly? Bad pixels? Reflection? I don't think so...

I'm going to say that the comet might be in 3 pieces?
« Last Edit: September 05, 2013, 04:12:32 PM by atomic7732 »


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2013, 05:18:15 PM »
atomic are you going to be able to get pics oh ison


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2013, 06:20:07 PM »
atomic the reason it's like that (I looked at background information) is because it is 3 combined images with breaks between them from hubble's viewpoint and it is not stationary


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2013, 02:22:09 PM »
that's wierd they aren't angled in the same direction though (which would make sense for that)

can you link it for other people to see?


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2013, 02:31:11 PM »


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2013, 07:13:26 PM »
I guess we will see when it gets here. I just have a feeling that it is a very significant Comet. It is a deep feeling from God. Just be prepared....but I would still like to add the ephemeris...I wish Dan was around to help. I have been trying to contact him with no avail.


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2013, 10:08:37 PM »
Just be prepared

Be prepared for what?  It's just a comet going around the sun that has NO chance of hitting us.


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #19 on: September 09, 2013, 06:48:45 AM »
Do some simulations with Starry night, Celestia, or Nasa'a eyes....The second two are free. The Earth is destined to go through the tail of the comet....just run the simulations...you can add the comet if it is not already in the software...they all show the same scenario. I am a huge Bible believer as well as a mad scientist ..and I have been getting confirmation on a whole bunch of stuff that matches that of this comet. If you do not know what confirmation is, it is when you pray about something and then God confirms His answers through things in the 'real world' ....it is difficult to explain if you do not know about God or the Bible. (not saying you do not) ...anyhow, just keep an eye out on this. Do some research on the internet and youtube...there are plenty of things on this comet...or some call it Nibiru...or planet-x. I have been doing gravity simulations since I got my first computer - Commodore 64, back in 1981 ...so I am very familiar and aware of the effects that one body in motion has on another body in motion...on October 1, 2013 this comet flys right by the planet Mars....if it effects the orbit of Mars...that could be enough to throw off our whole solar system....do some research on your own....download a copy of Celestia or just use the following link to Nasas own comet software. By the way....the return of Jesus matches perfectly with the scenario of a comet....Here are a few verses about Jesus return to Earth...

Luke 21:25-28
There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars.  On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.  Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.   At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.  When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.

Matthew 24:27
For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

Psalm 11:5-7
The Lord examines both the righteous and the wicked.
    He hates those who love violence.
He will rain down blazing coals and burning sulfur on the wicked,
    punishing them with scorching winds.
For the righteous Lord loves justice.
    The virtuous will see his face.

Isaiah 66:15
See, the Lord is coming with fire,
    and his swift chariots roar like a whirlwind.
He will bring punishment with the fury of his anger
    and the flaming fire of his hot rebuke.

...alls I can say is BE READY! because no man knows the day nor hour! :) God Bless



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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2013, 06:56:53 AM »
...or just think that I am some nut job....it's all good. I am just here to warn you that this may be all she wrote...it fits like a glove...but again, no man will know until it happens.....depending on the mass of this thing...it could make the winds and the sea rage....we will see shortly....God Bless


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #21 on: September 09, 2013, 07:12:27 AM »
you can make that fit with whatever you want it to fit with


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #22 on: September 09, 2013, 09:31:01 AM »
...or just think that I am some nut job....it's all good. I am just here to warn you that this may be all she wrote...it fits like a glove...but again, no man will know until it happens.....depending on the mass of this thing...it could make the winds and the sea rage....we will see shortly....God Bless

Never said you were a "nut job" and I don't intend to imply you are.  This is a comet pure and simple, one that has never been close to the sun (as far as we can tell).  It's name ISON (formal name C/2012 S1) comes from who discovered it, the International Scientific Optical Network, who also discovered comet Elenin (and we all know how THAT turned out).  These events happen MUCH more often than you think and have happened since the formation of our planet 4.54 billion years ago, granted we have been hit by such objects in the past and WILL get hit again (unless we can stop it), in the end there is no need for us to worry since there is nothing we can do individually to stop it.

So lets expand on your comment and say it has the mass of the greatest comet we have ever observed, the Comet of 1729.  This comet was estimated to be 100km in diameter, FAR too small to change the orbit of Earth to a measurable degree or any other solar body except for the smallest of asteroids and comets.  For something to change the orbit of this planet (or any other) over the time frame and distance of a passing comet it would need to be MASSIVE, we're talking moon size massive and even a moon wont change the orbit of a larger planet by much during this short time and distance, we would need a truly massive planet on the order of one of our gas giants to do this and they just don't exist, we would have seen such a planet by now even in the outer reaches of our system due to the heat it would still be giving off from its formation.  Now lets expand on this part, lets say one DID exist out there in an extremely elliptical orbit, one that just barely kept it within the sun's SOI, such an object would have an orbit that took hundreds of thousands if not a few millions of years to complete, if such an object existed that could alter the orbit of a planet further in our system would still be chaotic, no planet would have a circular orbit such as we have now.  If such an object existed WE would not right now, these objects were either tossed out of the solar system, captured by one of the gas giants or thrown into extremely large orbits such as the ones Sedna or Eris are in now.  

In the end you do not need to worry one bit over this little comet, it poses no harm whatsoever to us at all and will not for a very very very very long time if ever again.


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2013, 11:05:35 AM »
First of all the Earth has not been around for 4.5 billion years...read your Bible...and second of all, why is no one able to add the coordinates into universe sandbox? Not even the author of the software? Why is this? Thank you in advance.


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2013, 12:05:03 PM »
well if no one is able to add coordinates, then the coordinate system probably isn't in universe sandbox yet


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #25 on: September 24, 2013, 12:11:05 PM »
First of all the Earth has not been around for 4.5 billion years...read your Bible...and second of all, why is no one able to add the coordinates into universe sandbox? Not even the author of the software? Why is this? Thank you in advance.
This offends me. I am atheist and I don't believe in what your bible says.... Get your facts straight; religion is not science.


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #26 on: September 24, 2013, 12:31:30 PM »
This offends me. I am atheist and I don't believe in what your bible says.... Get your facts straight; religion is not science.

I too am atheist and YOUR post offends me, only by teaching can anyone be shown what is truth and what is not.  By screaming you just justify their stance that we know nothing.  I tried to explain with known facts and use some extrapolation he/she refutes that, they have what they consider proof and we have ours.  EVERYONE needs to get off their high horse and meet in the middle for a conversation, we bring proof and they bring theirs and have a CIVILIZED discussion and not this trash talk.  I for one am working on adding ISON to US and will post when I get it in there, the only issue is there are many variables we dont know yet such as mass and size, thankfully US only needs the mass value.  So everyone just calm down and talk this through like the grownups that I hope we are before this post gets locked or moved somewhere else.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 09:55:55 PM by Unreal2004 »


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #27 on: September 24, 2013, 12:37:34 PM »
First of all the Earth has not been around for 4.5 billion years...read your Bible...and second of all, why is no one able to add the coordinates into universe sandbox? Not even the author of the software? Why is this? Thank you in advance.

I have never read the bible and I do not intend to, not something I am interested in.  As for your rejection of why the Earth is not as old as I claim explain to me why you think so.  Words from a book is not valid proof in my view especially when said book is written by man and edited by man over the centuries (King James anyone?).  Science has proven that the Earth is at least 4.5 billion years old and the Sun only slightly older still.  We can look back in time through the heavens (NO pun intended) and see what happened to our system out there, we can see what will happen to us in the future.  I honestly would love to debate this and do hope we can do so in a calm manner and not have the forum locked to such discussions although I think this thread might be better served in the Everything Else section soon.  I do look forward to your reply.

Dan Dixon

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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #28 on: September 24, 2013, 12:44:11 PM »
"The age of the Earth is 4.54 ± 0.05 billion years (4.54 × 109 years ± 1%). This age is based on evidence from radiometric age dating of meteorite material and is consistent with the ages of the oldest-known terrestrial and lunar samples."

Follow the link to Wikipedia and then read the sources that they cite for this information. The story of how scientists have been able to figure this out is pretty awesome and an amazing example of the power of observation and reason and science.

There are many creation myths:
... the Genesis creation myth is just one of them.

why is no one able to add the coordinates into universe sandbox? Not even the author of the software? Why is this?

Because I never got around to adding this feature. There are ways of specifying orbital elements of bodies or their explicit x,y,z position both with the UI or via xml files (but that's not very straightforward).

Can you point to the specific type of coordinates that you'd like to add?
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 12:50:53 PM by Dan Dixon »


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Re: Comet ISON
« Reply #29 on: September 24, 2013, 08:38:05 PM »
First of all the Earth has not been around for 4.5 billion years...read your Bible...and second of all, why is no one able to add the coordinates into universe sandbox? Not even the author of the software? Why is this? Thank you in advance.
This offends me. I am atheist and I don't believe in what your bible says.... Get your facts straight; religion is not science.

I too am atheist and YOUR post offends me, only by teaching can anyone be shown what is truth and what is not.  By screaming you just justify their stance that we know nothing.  I tried to explain with known facts and use some extrapolation he/she refutes that, they have what they consider proof and we have ours.  EVERYONE needs to get off their high horse and meet in the middle for a conversation, we bring proof and they bring theirs and have a CIVILIZED discussion and not this trash talk.  I for one am working on adding ISON to US and will post when I get it in there, the only issue is there are many variables we dont know yet such as mass and size, thankfully US only needs the mass value.  So everyone just calm down and talk this through like the grownups that I hope we are before this post gets locked or moved somewhere else.
I may have been crude in my statement, and I am quite sorry for that. But if someone is going to inflict ANYTHING on me that I disagree with, I am going to get irritated sooner or later. So yes, let's just have a calm discussion about this... well not me, because I wasn't in it in the first place, and religious discussions are NOT my favorite.

(Okay, maybe he wasn't directing his statement towards me, but still, if he is going to inflict this against people who don't agree then I am going to say something.) :)
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 08:46:17 PM by tuto99 »