Well, unlocker, that is an opinion. You may say that LOTR is boring, or that 1984 was a dumb book. And it isn't a map game, it's a worldbuilding project.
I do this in my spare time when I'm not playing with friends IRL or chasing after my favourite girl, I enjoy it! What I do is not a shallow as creating a map, it's creating a world, culture, language, things upon things. It's not just a map game. A map game is where you fight for territories on a map, like RISK. A worldbuilding project is like writing a book in a way. You're creating a world to envelop your "reader".
This is smart. I like to quote smart things. And nooooooo, LOTR is a very cool story, specially the book version of it. And Welles' works are prophecy. In the way of becoming reality RIGHT NOW. Also very enlightening.
Come on guys, ur better than that, aside from being my REAL opinion, it was f/ teasing purpose only! Hell, I like to "waste" several hrs a day building 3d models that aside from some ppl in the scene no one will NEVER have any use for it whatsoever.
And the girlfriend thing... yeah GO CHASE papayas... this is YOUR AGE! YOUR TIME! YOUR *ONLY* chance! Once you get older (as I am) things get a lil more complicated.
Btw kids... I'm 40 ok?! Call me daddy (but not grandpa, pls not there yet!)