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What type of star systems should I make? (I'll be choosing two of the 6 options)

Any type (Don't care)
4 (33.3%)
Ones w/ habitable planets
2 (16.7%)
Ones w/ no habitable planets
1 (8.3%)
Ones w/ 1-5 planets
0 (0%)
Ones w/ 5-10 planets
1 (8.3%)
Ones w/ a lot of planets!
4 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Author Topic: Gliese 581 System  (Read 38311 times)


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Re: Gliese 581 System
« Reply #60 on: March 01, 2013, 04:37:40 PM »
I am trying to make my own system (I hope you don't mind the questions) ... I have a planet I wish to have two moons, but eventually the smaller one always crashes into the bigger one (well, vice-versa). I also want to be able to "lock" the orbitable period of each moon to the planet, but I can't seem to do it. Does UBox let you lock an orbital period?


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Re: Gliese 581 System
« Reply #61 on: March 01, 2013, 05:05:21 PM »
I am trying to make my own system (I hope you don't mind the questions) ... I have a planet I wish to have two moons, but eventually the smaller one always crashes into the bigger one (well, vice-versa). I also want to be able to "lock" the orbitable period of each moon to the planet, but I can't seem to do it. Does UBox let you lock an orbital period?
Do you mean rotational period? Yes, it's possible. Under Dynamic Properties look for a button called Tidal lock. That should help.
Also, the best thing to prevent two moons crashing into one another is to space them out so they won't have a huge gravitational influence on each other.
And I don't mind if you ask a lot of questions. It's alright. :)


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Re: Gliese 581 System
« Reply #62 on: March 01, 2013, 06:30:36 PM »
Thank you for your help!

I also mean, I notice in the Earth-moon simulation, the moon stays at a constant totation of 26.5 days (os osme such). I want my inner moon to be the same, and the outer moon to have a steady orbit too, because after awhile they seem to drift off away from my planet... or my bigger moon lags behind.

Also, for example, I set the orbitable period and tidal lock at 15 days... after about a year of time or so, the orbital period is now 11.5 to 12 days...


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Re: Gliese 581 System
« Reply #63 on: March 02, 2013, 09:36:12 AM »
Thank you for your help!

I also mean, I notice in the Earth-moon simulation, the moon stays at a constant totation of 26.5 days (os osme such). I want my inner moon to be the same, and the outer moon to have a steady orbit too, because after awhile they seem to drift off away from my planet... or my bigger moon lags behind.

Also, for example, I set the orbitable period and tidal lock at 15 days... after about a year of time or so, the orbital period is now 11.5 to 12 days...
Maybe your timestep is too high? If so, try keeping it low. Otherwise, maybe your outer moon got slingshotted around the moon and started drifting away from the Earth.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 10:53:12 AM by tuto99 »


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Re: Gliese 581 System
« Reply #64 on: March 02, 2013, 10:56:39 AM »
New system today: Nostromus
It's a binary star system with planets orbiting around both stars. One star does support a habitable planet though, which would make a great world to live on. :D


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Re: Gliese 581 System
« Reply #65 on: March 02, 2013, 10:59:11 AM »
Here are some screenshots of the binary system.
(Note, I edited how bright stars glow, so they might look different from stars on your screen.)


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Re: Gliese 581 System
« Reply #66 on: March 20, 2013, 10:53:08 AM »
Mass:1.7 Jupiter
Diam:1 Jupiter (idk exactly how much km :P)
Temp:wwll, it'll be in the middle of habitabla zone
Rot: 1.3 days
Orbit: 365 days?
Ang x (axis of blanet) : 92.1 degress.
Ang x (of orbit) : 0.7 degrees
What do you mean by, "Ang x (of orbit)?"
Is that the eccentricity, or the inclination of your planet's orbit?
Lol, your planet's slow and dense, like a chubby bear. XD

Re: x times Jupiter Mass Planets.

Anything much more massive than Jupiter is gonna be around the same size as Jupiter.
Jupiter is already slowly collapsing under its own Mass -
It generates more heat than it receives from the Sun - the extra heat is gernated by gradual collapsing.

Much more massive and it will stay the same size.
Gas Giants around a fairly wide range of Mass tend to be similar in size.

Very much more massive and it will start to Fuse Lithium or Lithium and Deuterium.
There is a borderline where it would not be Massive enough to Fuse Hydrogen - so it could Heat Up, unti lthe Lithium or Lithium and Deuterium is used up - then it would stay as a Brown Dwarf, gradually cooling.


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Re: Gliese 581 System
« Reply #67 on: March 20, 2013, 11:26:14 AM »
Mass:1.7 Jupiter
Diam:1 Jupiter (idk exactly how much km :P)
Temp:wwll, it'll be in the middle of habitabla zone
Rot: 1.3 days
Orbit: 365 days?
Ang x (axis of blanet) : 92.1 degress.
Ang x (of orbit) : 0.7 degrees
What do you mean by, "Ang x (of orbit)?"
Is that the eccentricity, or the inclination of your planet's orbit?
Lol, your planet's slow and dense, like a chubby bear. XD

Re: x times Jupiter Mass Planets.

Anything much more massive than Jupiter is gonna be around the same size as Jupiter.
Jupiter is already slowly collapsing under its own Mass -
It generates more heat than it receives from the Sun - the extra heat is gernated by gradual collapsing.

Much more massive and it will stay the same size.
Gas Giants around a fairly wide range of Mass tend to be similar in size.

Very much more massive and it will start to Fuse Lithium or Lithium and Deuterium.
There is a borderline where it would not be Massive enough to Fuse Hydrogen - so it could Heat Up, unti lthe Lithium or Lithium and Deuterium is used up - then it would stay as a Brown Dwarf, gradually cooling.
Hmm, are you sure Jupiter is collapsing right now? I think Jupiter is stable enough to prevent itself from collapsing.
Also, wouldn't Jupiter be making any sort of heat from the pressure at its core?


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Re: Gliese 581 System
« Reply #68 on: March 31, 2013, 12:33:17 PM »
YES - Jupiter is collapsing - too slowly to be seen really.
It is one of the consequences of being so VERY Massive, and yet comprised mostly of Gas.

For Energy to be created and emitted - something HAS to be used up.

In the case of Jupiter it is VERY gradual collapse - almost unmeasurable.
This is beacuse any movement downward inwards of the gases in the body of the Planet and its Atmosphere - will cause a loss of Potential Energy - which is released as Heat Energy.

Note - this is true of both Jupiter and to a lesser extent, of Saturn.

Actually - both Jupiter and Saturn are similar in size - although Jupiter is significantly greater in Mass.

A Planet with a Mass greater than Jupiter will also be similar in size - as there will be more compression.
The Heat output will be even greater. 


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Re: Gliese 581 System
« Reply #69 on: March 31, 2013, 12:57:19 PM »
YES - Jupiter is collapsing - too slowly to be seen really.
It is one of the consequences of being so VERY Massive, and yet comprised mostly of Gas.

For Energy to be created and emitted - something HAS to be used up.

In the case of Jupiter it is VERY gradual collapse - almost unmeasurable.
This is beacuse any movement downward inwards of the gases in the body of the Planet and its Atmosphere - will cause a loss of Potential Energy - which is released as Heat Energy.

Note - this is true of both Jupiter and to a lesser extent, of Saturn.

Actually - both Jupiter and Saturn are similar in size - although Jupiter is significantly greater in Mass.

A Planet with a Mass greater than Jupiter will also be similar in size - as there will be more compression.
The Heat output will be even greater. 
Hmm, I'll have to research this.
Not saying that what you are telling me isn't true, but it sure is interesting.


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Re: Gliese 581 System
« Reply #70 on: April 18, 2013, 06:55:26 AM »
Further to my earlier Comments about Gas Giants ( which are mostly Hydrogen ).

There is a sort of "progression" in increasing Mass - from Gas Giants to Brown Dwarfs, to Stars, to Giant Stars , to Supergiant Stars.

Beyond a certain Mass - you get a Brown Dwarf, which emits a lot of light in the Infra-Red, a sort of "Nearly Star".

Masses beyond that - it gets hot enough and the core pressure gets high enough - Lithium and Deuterium wil Fuse, giving you a fairly short-lived "Mini Star".
After they are fused - it starts to cool.

Masses beyond that - the Hydrogen ( mono-hydrogen ) starts to Fuse, and as it is nearly ALL Hydrogen - you get a Star.  Fusing Hydrogen into Helium.  How big a Star, how hot and for how long - depends on how much Mass of Hydrogen, and how "young".

Early on - Hydrogen fuses rapidly, you get a Blue-White or White Star - later it gets a little cooler as Hydrogen Fuses more slowly, you get Yellow, then Orange, then Red Star, then it dies.  Nearly every time when it dies ( Hydrogen has been used up ) you get a Nova type event.

Very Big - and you get a Giant Star - Fuses Hydrogen hotter and faster, but for less time - they end with Supernova Explosions.
Even Bigger ( more Massive ) - and you get a Supergiant Star - Fuses Hydrogen even hotter and faster, but for much less time - very big Supernova Explosion at end.

All Stars go from Blue-White, through White, Yeallow, Orange, to Red.

SMALL Stars can die fairly quietly - with a simple expansion ( like our sun will ).

Smallish Stars go out with a small Bang - Nova - leaving behind a White Dwarf ( Nasty hot Radiation ) and a cloud of debris.

Medium Stars or Big Stars go out with a bigger bang - Supernova - leaving behind a Neutron Star ( where the Mass of the remnant compresses and strips the Atoms to Neutrons ) - VERY Nasty X-Ray and Gamma Ray Radiation, Radio Emissions.  Also - a largish Nebula cloud of debris - which may glow for a while.

Very Big Stars ( Supergiants ) go out with very big Supernovas - leaving behind a Black Hole ( the remnant gets so compressed it goes beyond the Limit ).  There is also a lasrge Nebula of debris - often hot, but cooling.

Giant Stars and Supergiants have such a high pressure and temperature in their Core that they do not just Fuse Hydrogen -
When the Hydrogen is getting low ( converted to Helium ), they start to Fuse Helium to Nitrogen 14, Oxygen 15, Carbon 12, Nitrogen 12, or Oxygen 16 ( depending on Temperature and Pressure ).

Depending on Temperature and Pressure, and the availability of additional Helium - they can then follow the Fusion sequence -
Oxygen 16 and Helium to Neon 20
Neon 20 plus Helium to Magnesium 24
Magnesium 24 and Helium to Silicon 28
Silicon 28 and Helium to Sulphur 32
Sulphur 32 and Helium to Argon 36
Argon 36 and Helium to Calcium 40
Calcium 40 and Helium to Titanium 44
Titanium 44 and Helium to Chromium 48
Chromium 48 and Helium to Iron 52
Iron 52 and Helium to Nickel 56.

If the Star has enough Mass and Material, it can follow through this entire sequence.

The last Fusion Reactions which form Iron and Nickel use up nearly all of the available Heat Energy in the Star, and the core will collapse - whilst the outer "shells" will be ejected in a massive explosion, a very big Supernova - which will throw all of the material outwards to form a Nebula.
This Nebula will usually be quite rich in Iron and Nickel - the materials which make-up Planet Cores and some Asteroids.  It will also contain some of the other elements as well.

The Universe started out extremely rich in Hydrogen - in fact it was NOTHING ELSE.

The earliest Stars were nearly all Giant and Supergiant Stars ( annoyingly they are caled Generation III Stars ).  All of these ( except any tiny ones ) are dead and gone - aged to Death, and Exploded.
THEY created all of the Elements in the Sequence above.

Some of the heavier Elements were created during the intense pressures generated ( for tiny periods of time ), by Supernovas.  Others were created by Bombardment of Atoms by Protons, Neutrons and Electrons - both inside Stars and outside of them.

The next "Generation" of Stars are annoying called Generation II Stars - apart from some small ones, they are mostly gone as well.  Large Stars, Giant Stars and Supergiant Stars in that "Generation" helped in creating more of the Elements heavier than Hydrogen.
Fortunately - as Elements like Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Calcium, Phosphorous, Potassium are essential to our kind of life - both Plants and Animals.

Our Sun - and all of the Giant Stars and Supergiant Stars in our Galaxy are all in the third "Generation" of Stars - annoyingly called Generation I Stars.
So, we all benefit from the creation of a wide range of elements, both directly in Stellar Fusion - and indirectly, by external bombardment of elements by Electrons, Protons and Neutrons.
In fact - some Elements are only produced in this way.  Bombardment by Protons of Carbon and Oxygen created most of the Lithium, Boron and Barium in the Universe - in fact Boron can only be created in this way.


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Re: Gliese 581 System
« Reply #71 on: July 28, 2013, 07:38:06 PM »
This is the Kerbol System from Kerbal Space Program. It is an accurate simulation of all the planets, from Moho to Eeloo. (The simulation doesn't include the moons)


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Re: Gliese 581 System
« Reply #72 on: July 29, 2013, 05:26:25 PM »
just wondering, is it pronounced like
/glee/ 581 system


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Re: Gliese 581 System
« Reply #73 on: July 29, 2013, 08:08:49 PM »
According to Wikipedia:
IPA: /ˈɡliːzə/
X-SAMPA: /gliIz@/


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Re: Gliese 581 System
« Reply #74 on: July 30, 2013, 01:37:35 AM »
This is universal? My life was a lie

One of the things that i like most in english are the different pronunciation for the 'same words/letters' :3


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Re: Gliese 581 System
« Reply #75 on: July 30, 2013, 12:15:44 PM »
One of the things that i like most in english are the different pronunciation for the 'same words/letters' :3

It happens in all languages. It is called accent! :P

You just don't noticed happening with yours because you are not paying enuff attention to it.

As in:

eh mesmo - SP
eh mermo - RJ
Carburador - SP
Carburado - PE
Escola - SP
ishcola - RJ

an on and on and on... :P
« Last Edit: July 30, 2013, 12:19:56 PM by unl0cker »


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Re: Gliese 581 System
« Reply #76 on: July 30, 2013, 06:23:56 PM »
One of the things that i like most in english are the different pronunciation for the 'same words/letters' :3

It happens in all languages. It is called accent! :P

You just don't noticed happening with yours because you are not paying enuff attention to it.

As in:

eh mesmo - SP
eh mermo - RJ
Carburador - SP
Carburado - PE
Escola - SP
ishcola - RJ

an on and on and on... :P
oh, i meant in comparision with portuguese
like "beneina" (banana), and "tchoucoleit"(chocolate) =p

I am actually very aware of the regional accents here in Brazil =p