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Author Topic: Timeline of the Universe  (Read 8118 times)


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Timeline of the Universe
« on: May 06, 2009, 05:37:10 PM »
2010    Automatic translators allow monolingual humans to converse with any speaker of any major human language.
2015    Bandwidth has increased enormously due to fiber optics and spread-spectrum radio.
2020    Almost all overt tyranny has been eliminated.
Physicists have confirmed that the fate of the universe is asymptotic expansion.
Most text, images, audio, and video is produced and consumed digitally. Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of such media is routine.
1st Martian sample return has revealed no conclusive fossil evidence of life.
2030    20% of former fideists have become mystics.
Radio astronomers have discovered signals from extraterrestrial intelligence.
Computer display technology plateaus with cheap flat panels and retinal projectors.
2040    Physicists have completed a quantum unification theory.
Personal bodily flight has become commercialized.
Transonic flight still serves just a few intercontinental routes.
2050    Molecular biologists have detailed description of how life on Earth began.
Computing is limited not by processing, storage, or bandwidth but by heat, latency, and batteries.
Fresh water availability is now limited only by energy costs of transportation and desalinization.
Automated vehicle/traffic control gives rail-like traffic flow to roads.
Privacy is curtailed by commercial availability of mobile remote-controlled microsensors.
2075    Physicists have reached limits of knowing why fundamental physical laws are as they are.
Hydrogen fuel cells are replacing internal combustion of fossil fuels.
VTOL aircraft are as widely owned as RVs in 2000.
2100    Expected and maximum human longevity have increased by 30 years.
Humans are able to record and archive all they ever see, hear, and say.
Most of humanity is using a common currency descended from the American dollar.
Unmanned radio observatory has been established on far side of moon.
2150    Remaining fideisms have diluted into agnostic mysticism; true fideists dwindle.
Fusion provides major parts of humanity's power.
Most psychotropic drugs are legal; addiction is prevented neurochemically.
2200    Permanent manned space stations in Earth orbit have been established.
1st artifactual life and artificial intelligence systems have been created and enfranchised.
Obesity and other nutritional diseases are curable.
2300    1st Von Neumann probes have been dispatched from Earth.
Most genetic, infectious, immunological, and cancerous disease is preventable or curable.
Most of humanity enjoys Western standards of living and productivity.
Earth's population has stabilized at around 20 billion.
The workweek has stabilized at around 20 hours.
2400    Extropian positivism has displaced most other belief systems.
2500    Heat pollution has become the last significant environmental problem.
A truly global federal government exists.
2880    Asteroid 1950DA (1km wide) has a 1/300 chance of hitting Earth March 16.
3000    Humans have created on the moon their 1st self-sustaining extraplanetary colony.
Earth has received 1st telemetry from unmanned probes to nearby stars.
Neurotechnologists have started to modify and augment natural human intelligence.
Genetic engineers have designed first artificially-created species.
English is the native language of 90% of humans.
Floating communities and estates have become increasingly popular.
4000    1st embarkation of mobile space habitat toward nearby star.
Humans culture animal tissue in bulk rather than raise animals en masse.
As the next ice age begins, Earth is about 0.5C cooler (relative to 2000CE) than it otherwise would have been.
5000    Humans mass-produce intravenous liquid food.
10K    1st terraforming (of Mars or a Jovian moon) has started to show progress. Another 90Kyr-long ice age has begun, and Earth is about 3C cooler (relative to 2000CE) than it otherwise would have been.
16K    The precession of Earth's axis has made Vega the northern pole star.
23K    The 1679-bit 1974 Arecibo interstellar message finally covers the 21Kly distance to its target, the globular cluster M13 (300K stars).
100K    A majority of persons descended from H. sapiens lives beyond Earth.
250K    An object more than a kilometer wide will probably have struck Earth.
Earth's magnetic will by now probably have reversed, as it does every few hundred thousand years and as it last did 780Kya.
1M    A majority of persons descended from H. sapiens lives beyond the Solar system.
The red dwarf Gliese 710, currently 63ly away, will pass within 0.5 ly of Sol and appear at 0.6 magnitude.
2M    Pioneer 10 (launched in 1972, 68 ly away) passes near Aldebaran at 44 Mm/h.
50M    Africa has collided with Europe (closing the Mediterranean), Australia has merged with SE Asia, and California has slid up the coast to Alaska
100M    Earth has information from probes to the Andromeda galaxy.
226M    Sol has completed one more orbit around the Milky Way's center.
250M    The Americas merge with Afro-Eurasia, reducing the (formerly growing) Atlantic to an inland sea.
1B    Earth has information from probes to every star system in the Milky Way.
2B    Increased Solar output has extincted any remaining Earth life due to runaway greenhouse effect.
6B    Sun ends its main-sequence life as a red giant large enough to engulf and possibly swallow Earth, and then cools into a white dwarf.
Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies collide.
10B    Milky Way galaxy's intelligent population stabilizes at its maximum.
100B    Living systems are huddled around red dwarfs for light and warmth.
The charred and frozen Earth-Moon system (if not already swallowed by Sol's red giant phase) has stabilized to a 47-day rotation/revolution at a distance of 560,000 km.
150B    Due to the universe's accelerating expansion, the view of everything outside the gravitationally-bound Local Group of galaxies stops changing and fades away.
10exponet14    Almost all stars stopped shining, having become brown or white dwarfs. Little or no life remains.
10exponet15    Planets have been dislodged from their solar systems by stellar close encounters.
10exponet20    The remaining stars (brown or white dwarfs) have all either been dislodged from their galaxies, or collapsed into central galactic black holes. Dwarf collisions cease, and the last few stars formed thereby stop shining.
10exponet40    Proton decay has left the universe with only black holes and subatomic particles.
10exponet100    The last black hole evaporates, emitting the cold dark universe's final flash of visible light.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 05:39:26 PM by Naru523 »


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Re: Timeline of the Universe
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2009, 12:16:18 AM »
Very well written. Interesting. :)


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Re: Timeline of the Universe
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2009, 03:33:42 PM »
here is a correct and another scale

10,000 Year 10,000 problem
80,000 Ice age
8,400,000 LAGEOS 2 satellite time capsule re-enters Earth's atmosphere
600,000,000 to 3,500,000,000 (estimates vary) Slow but steady increase in solar luminosity will cause Earth's oceans to evaporate, leaving it inhospitable to life
1,000,000,000 The last total solar eclipse on Earth will occur, due to the Moon's orbit gradually becoming larger and spreading away from the earth
3,000,000,000 The Andromeda Galaxy and our Milky Way Galaxy are predicted to collide
5,400,000,000 The Sun leaves the main sequence, becoming a red giant
7,590,000,000 The red giant Sun engulfs the Earth
7,816,000,000 The Sun becomes a white dwarf about the size of the Earth
17,000,000,000 The Sun becomes a black dwarf
30,000,000,000 Earliest possible date for the universe to collapse in the hypothetical scenario known as the Big Crunch
100,000,000,000 The Virgo Supercluster merges into one super galaxy, millions of light-years across, filled with Red Dwarfs and small amounts of White Dwarfs. Other superclusters have also merged, yet have been separated from each other by distances of more than a billion light-years due to the acceleration of Dark Matter and Energy
100,000,000,000,000 to 1,000,000,000,000,000 (one quadrillion) The Big Freeze according to many cosmologists. Intelligent life existing then may flee to other universes, as suggested by the physicist Michio Kaku. Beginning of the Degenerate Era of our universe. End of normal star formation and normal stars in the Milky Way/M31 super-galaxy. New stars formed only via brown dwarf collisions every hundred billion years or so
100,000,000,000,000 to 10,000,000,000,000,000 (ten quadrillion) The Universe ends in a Big Crunch according to Frank Tipler's Omega Point Theory, but its inhabitants experience an infinite subjective lifetime
10,000,000,000,000,000,000 (10 quintillion) The Galaxy relaxes gravitationally. Ninety percent of stars escape into intergalactic space while the rest merge with the central Black Hole
1E40 Beginning of the Black Hole Era of our universe, unless proton decay does not occur.
1E100 (one googol) If the theory of black hole evaporation is correct, it is predicted by many astronomers that all the black holes in our universe will have evaporated by around this year, the beginning of the Dark Era of our universe, unless proton decay does not occur
1E1500 Cold fusion occurring via quantum tunneling should make the light nuclei in ordinary matter fuse into iron-56 nuclei (see isotopes of iron.) Fission and alpha-particle emission should make heavy nuclei also decay to iron, leaving stellar-mass objects as cold spheres of iron
10^10^76 Quantum tunneling may make iron stars collapse into neutron stars
« Last Edit: May 18, 2009, 05:35:18 AM by monmarfori »

Dan Dixon

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Re: Timeline of the Universe
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2009, 05:02:37 PM »
Here's the source of the original timeline:


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Re: Timeline of the Universe
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2009, 05:57:37 PM »


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Re: Timeline of the Universe
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2009, 12:49:55 AM »
100,000,000,000 The Virgo Supercluster merges into one super galaxy, millions of light-years across, filled with Red Dwarfs and small amounts of White Dwarfs. Other superclusters have also merged, yet have been separated from each other by distances of more than a billion light-years due to the acceleration of Dark Matter and Energy
Wait, dark matter is just matter that doesn't interact with photons, isn't it? Dark energy is the energy that causes our universe to expand accelerated. They're two very diffrent things, and dark energy causes the universe to expand, while dark matter works as extra gravity for galaxies and so on.
At least that's how I've understood it.


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Re: Timeline of the Universe
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2009, 08:53:07 PM »
Fun to read. Instead of "10 expontent something" There are still trillions and quadrillions.


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Re: Timeline of the Universe
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2009, 09:20:32 AM »

2020    Almost all overt tyranny has been eliminated.

Radio astronomers have discovered signals from extraterrestrial intelligence.

Not to sound rude but,
2020 How would you know?

Now, 2030 is a differnet story...
What if ETI doesn't exist? Then it's impossible.
Really, you can't make predictions, unless you have the facts.
Maybe you could have put, "have discovered signals by now, if extraterrestrial intelligence exists."

Maybe you didn't write this, so I'm telling it to them (not you), and letting everyone know.

NOTE: Again, not trying to sound rude.


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Re: Timeline of the Universe
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2009, 10:01:11 AM »

2020    Almost all overt tyranny has been eliminated.

Radio astronomers have discovered signals from extraterrestrial intelligence.

Not to sound rude but,
2020 How would you know?

Now, 2030 is a differnet story...
What if ETI doesn't exist? Then it's impossible.
Really, you can't make predictions, unless you have the facts.
Maybe you could have put, "have discovered signals by now, if extraterrestrial intelligence exists."

Maybe you didn't write this, so I'm telling it to them (not you), and letting everyone know.

NOTE: Again, not trying to sound rude.
I didn't wrote ALL of this. I copied and paste  :-\


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Re: Timeline of the Universe
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2009, 10:02:47 AM »
"Maybe you didn't write this, so I'm telling it to them (not you), and letting everyone know." I said.  ;)


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Re: Timeline of the Universe
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2012, 12:14:17 PM »
kol 2010


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Re: Timeline of the Universe
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2012, 03:23:59 PM »
we're a bit late yes