I have discussed hosting the world on a professional server with Quontex, since Quontex proposed splitting the cost. Anyone else who wants to join in paying for the server? The more we split the cost, the less everyone have to pay.
I'm not sure whether to do this or not yet, and I'm not sure which hosting service we should use in that case either. I think it might be hosted two months from some point in June, so we can play on it in the summer vacation.
In that case, it will be a whitelisted legit server, as it is now. Quontex proposed a 10 slot, but we've never played more than 3 at a time, so I think 6 or 8 would be fine. Maybe more would play on it when it's hosted professionally, and then NeutronStar can use it too.
Here's the hosting services' board on the Minecraft forum: one looks best pr. unit of money? I think they look very expensive, but I don't want to pay for a server which isn't a considerable improvement for everybody else from hosting it on my own computer. Since they have a 5 day refund, we could try them and see if they're ok.
I think it should be based in Europe. Because Europe is awesome.

Ability to download the world whenever I want. So I can map it and take frequent backups, if the server doesn't do it itself.
Anything else?