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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 5 - Race 16 (Bielosia)]
« Reply #660 on: August 25, 2018, 08:21:36 PM »
+1 top speed -1 turning


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 5 - Race 16 (Bielosia)]
« Reply #661 on: August 26, 2018, 08:52:33 AM »
alt 8079


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 5 - Race 16 (Bielosia)]
« Reply #662 on: August 27, 2018, 11:00:34 PM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 01:00:11 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 5 - Race 16 (Bielosia)]
« Reply #663 on: August 27, 2018, 11:09:31 PM »
Space Practice 1 (Default setup)

Space Practice 2 (Alternate setup)

TeamP1 DefaultP2 Alternate
Team Solea Racing2138.1982141.298
Dotruga Formula Racing2143.7142139.538
Cows Go Moo Racing2139.2272137.533
Team V.V. Imperial2140.1342139.111
Team Diigikwk Racers2136.8332138.483
Team Vincent2148.8152149.446

blue indicates a driver's time was not included in the team's total time as a result of an incident
red indicates a team did not submit an alternate setup for practice

Teams that submitted an alternate setup will by default use the quickest setup determined by the team's total time in one practice session. If you would like your team to use the other setup for any reason, you may choose to by posting here.

Qualifying and the race will occur around the same time tomorrow.


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 5 - Race 16 (Bielosia)]
« Reply #664 on: August 27, 2018, 11:21:15 PM »
Space Qualifying

40K Grand Prix

Ifloenne é Aya wins the 40K Grand Prix! And Philipe scores Team Vincent their first points since Teralm in Season 3!

Relation table

Championship standings

Team standings

Code: [Select]
Dotruga Formula Racing 388
Team Solea Racing 318
Cows Go Moo Racing 318
Team Diigikwk Racers 258
Team V.V. Imperial 213
Team Vincent 1

Lap times attached
« Last Edit: August 27, 2018, 11:38:44 PM by atomic7732 »


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 5 - Race 16 (Bielosia)]
« Reply #665 on: August 27, 2018, 11:40:24 PM »
Sago Aludetsei and Dotruga Formula Racing will be your Formula Universalis drivers' and constructors' champion for season 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats tuto

Josh Wise and ketila léqa pavúteka will round out the podium for the drivers' championship unsurprisingly.


#3 Bob, #20 Mac, and #98 Gorga Motxev have decided to retire from the sport this year. Next season BONGATAR, Team Vincent, and Dotruga Formula Racing will need to hire (create) a new driver to replace them, or they can be convinced to stay on the condition that they lose 2 skill points at random and they cannot be upgraded.

also now it's time for post-season upgrades so you have the next 24 hours few days or so while i implement a few quick features to add the last 2 points to upgrade your car or drivers

bong can add 4 points

Remember: Your car setup will be reset at the beginning of next season to 4/5 of its skill, rounded down after race 18. If this yields a skill of less than 12 you will be allowed 12 skill points. Points allocated to drivers are permanent.

Season 6 will begin... well you know how this goes
« Last Edit: August 27, 2018, 11:50:43 PM by atomic7732 »


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 5 - Post-season upgrades]
« Reply #666 on: August 28, 2018, 12:06:06 AM »
car points


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 5 - Post-season upgrades]
« Reply #667 on: August 28, 2018, 12:11:10 AM »
Yaay I won ayy yo lmao
thx kalassak for this opportunity for me to show the world that Dotruga is #1 at racing and otximo ayy got em coach


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 5 - Post-season upgrades]
« Reply #668 on: March 08, 2020, 01:10:50 AM »

i had originally planned some big new features to kind of spice things up but really i think there are some things that need fixing first

so, i have some ideas for this which will be fairly easy to implement and that i think will result in a significant improvement of the game

get ready


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 5 - Post-season upgrades]
« Reply #669 on: March 08, 2020, 03:15:41 AM »
actually here's the plan:

for season 6 we're going to finally fix pitting once and for all. to accomplish this we are adding multiple tire compounds (basically, hard compounds which are slow and soft compounds which are fast, but you have to run at least two types per race or sth) and driver ai's which will calculate the optimal strategy. then, we'll rename pitting to 'strategy', and they will suck at determining the best (quickest) strategy for the race if your strategy stat is low. i will also update collisions a bit to add like front wing damage and tire punctures.  if you have a damaged front wing and a low strategy stat your team will let your drivers run for longer with a damaged front wing which reduces your cornering ability, thereby slowing you down. and related to collisions: maybe lock ups when trying to outbrake someone for an overtake, which would result in more tire wear. perhaps this is more likely with a lower overtaking stat or finesse or braking. idk.
i think i might also remove the relations. they don't really add anything to the game i don't think.

for season 7 i have some pretty grand ideas to redesign basically everything else, here's a rundown:
- i want tracks to instead of being defined by 4 values, have values that basically allow you to draw a track map. so a track will be a series of straights and corners with different properties. this would require a major update to the way lap times are calculated and i'd probably have to implement some rudimentary physics to determine how fast cars get through corners and accelerate and brake and such. idk this basically completely overhauls the main 'simulation' part of the game. this would allow for more realistic overtaking, defense, and collisions. also potentially a more detailed game viewer. skills would work better this way because then for each corner, for example, you would have a perfect theoretical time to get through it but your skills in different areas determine how close you can get and how consistent you are at it.
- i want a pool of drivers you hire from. this means you will no longer have to choose between upgrading your car or driver. drivers will decide to join your team (when you make an offer) based on your team's track record and what they desire. if they want to win championships they will probably only sign with a team that has won one (or looks really good), other drivers won't care as much where they go, but they might not be as good. then, they'll upgrade on their own, with some suggestion from you what skills to try to improve.
- i want car upgrades to work a little different. i want cars to be composed of a set of parts (say engine, front wing, chassis, suspension, etc) and they all have stats that would fall in line with the current ones, but may only contribute to a few. for example an engine might contribute to acceleration and top speed stats but not braking. you would have a set amount of points to allocate to all your parts (as you currently do for the whole car now) and you try to construct parts. but unless you're lucky you you don't get a part exactly as you want. usually it'll be worse, but sometimes it might even be a bit better in one stat or another. maybe have a mechanic stat that affects your skill at this, idk though. through this part creation you will come to have different part designs, which instead of moving points around to make setups, you can exchange parts mostly at will to adjust your car stats. i call this feature 'modular cars'. also, if a team has a particularly good part you can attempt to copy it (not just attempt to design a new part with the same stats) and you'll have a better chance at matching it... allowing teams with worse cars to catch up quicker!

i will hopefully be working on this stuff very soon so we can get season 6 up and going
« Last Edit: March 08, 2020, 03:29:51 AM by atomic7732 »


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 6 - Pre-season]
« Reply #670 on: May 25, 2020, 07:13:33 PM »
Formula Universalis Season 6 features an improved car and driver development system! It disentangles the progression of car from driver and should hopefully provide much more opportunity for strategy and drama! It also aims to allow the fair establishment of new teams, with a way for teams that are behind in development to catch up.

Previously, you had to balance the development of your car, which gets reset every season, with drivers who keep their skills permanently. This led to some teams neglecting their drivers, especially those who were not #1 on their team. The progression of car and driver has now been completely separated. Beginning in season 6, drivers will now automatically progress. Every three races (the typical update cycle in previous seasons), a random driver on your team will improve a random skill by 1 point. It won't be completely random though, because you can choose a skill preference to encourage the development of a particular skill for each driver, which will make that skill have a 75% chance of improvement. (Every other skill will take up the remaining 25% chance.) There will also be a skill-based progression: Drivers who finish well will have an increased chance each race to develop one skill point. This is based on the amount of points a driver is awarded in the race, so that the winner (which gets 25 pts) will have a 25% chance of upgrading. Second place will have an 18%, third 15%, etc.,. These upgrades will also be affected by your skill preference for the driver.

Before now, you also had to create a new driver with only 15 points every time one of your drivers retired. Starting this season there will be a driver pool you can make offers to. This season this consists of 36 pre-generated drivers who you can sign to your team. Drivers will choose to accept an offer based on your team's Negotiating Power, which is based on your past and current performance. This will be particularly important when multiple teams offer a seat to the same driver.

Negotiating Power is determined by:
Legacy - 1 NP for holding at least one championship title (as a team)
Team standings - 1, 2, or 3 NP based on your placing in last season's team standings (3 NP for 1st, 2 NP for 2nd, 1 NP for everyone else)
Car - 1, 2, or 3 NP based on your car's current stats (3 NP for the team with the best car, 2 NP for second best, 1 NP for everyone else)
Nationality - 2 NP for drivers from your team's country
Persuasion - 3 extra NP which you can spread among your offers to influence them to sign with you

Each team's base Negotiating Power (Legacy + Team standings + Car):

This means that if Dotruga Formula Racing and Team Vincent both make offers on the same driver, Dotruga will have 6 NP and Team Vincent will have 2 NP. If this driver was from Dotruga, Dotruga would gain 2 extra NP for their nationality, giving them 8 NP. Team Vincent could then spend their extra 3 Persuasion NP on this offer if they really wanted this driver to increase their chances, raising their NP to 5. The driver would then randomly decide what team to join based on these weights, such that their chance of signing with a team is the NP that team has divided by total NP of all teams that have submitted offers, with an option to choose to sign to neither team (with 1 NP per team that offers) like so:

(Dotruga Formula Racing has a 53% chance of signing this driver because 8+5+2 = 15, 8/15 = 53%)


Season 6 car development is also significantly different than in seasons past, however it still uses the same points and rating system. Instead of adding points to your car progressively throughout the season, cars are now made of parts. There are four parts your car is made of: the chassis, the aero kit, the brakes & KERS (kinetic energy recovery system), and the engine, and all parts must be present on your car for it to be eligible to race! Every part contributes to only some specific car stats, aside from the chassis which contributes to all four. Each part contributes to the stats shown in green in the following table:

Parts can be created with the point system that has been used previously, but instead of getting two points and upgrading every three races, your team will get two points every race. At the beginning of the season, you will have the same amount of points to spend on your car construction as you would normally, but instead of assigning them to each stat, you have to make your car out of the four parts. Here is an example car construction:

Throughout the season as you accumulate development points (2 per race, typically), you will be able to develop new parts to improve on your car or create alternate car setups. Instead of instantly using these to upgrade your car, you collect them until you have enough points to spend on the development of a part. The amount of points necessary to develop a part is equal to the amount of points the part attributes to your car. However, when you go to make the part, it will not always come out exactly as the engineer drew it up. Usually, it will fall short, but every once in a while it can actually end up better. This depends on a new stat your drivers have, called Testing. The Testing stat basically indicates how good each driver is at communicating to the engineers their feedback on part development. If your drivers are good at this, you will have a better chance of making parts as you specify and will be more consistent. If they're bad, your parts will vary wildly in quality. As a guideline, if the sum of your drivers' Testing stats is 3 (the minimum) your parts will average about 60% the quality you planned on. With the maximum in Testing (30) it is more like 90%.

A bonus development point will also be awarded to the team whose driver wins the race. Half a development point will be awarded to the team of the highest placing driver not on the team of the winning driver (in effect, the second best). This will reward the best teams and allow them to progress faster. But there is hope if your team is not doing well! Every team has the opportunity to research and copy parts that other teams have driven on the track at least once (in any session: practice, qualifying, or the race). Producing a copied part will cost the same as producing a new part but will have a better success rate (averaging 75% for minimum Testing skill and 95% for maximum), allowing teams with worse cars to catch up to those with the best car designs.

Parts also take time to develop during the course of the season, and this is based on the cost of the part. Every 6 development points spent creating a part will increase development time by 1 race. Parts cheaper than 6 points will be developed by the next race weekend. (So 6-11 point parts take two races, 12-17 take three, etc.,) This, however, does not apply pre-season. Parts will develop "instantly" regardless of cost, cause pre-season is long.

The choice of allocating points between parts and stats is up to you, but keep in mind a few caveats:
- A part may develop with 0 in a given stat, this is more likely the lower the skill you give a part. For example, if you try to develop an engine with 1 Top Speed, you may end up with an engine with 0 Top Speed. This is very likely when trying to produce parts with individual stats in the 1-2 range. It still means you developed the part and it will work on your car, it just won't make your car any better than it was! This does not apply to the chassis however, which will always have a minimum of 1 in every stat.
- You may be tempted to focus all your development points on one part so that you can quickly and cheaply upgrade your terrible parts throughout the season to improve your car, but keep in mind that this means other teams can quickly develop a copy of your best part and deploy it to catch up to you.
- Development points reset each season, so you can't bank them to carry into the next season.
- You can copy your own parts. This will rarely result in a better part, so why might you want to do that... ?

This new part development mechanic should allow for a more dynamic season with narratives and drama unfolding as teams compete to develop the best cars to take their drivers to the top of the podium and win the championship!

Minor changes
- Relations were removed as they did not really add much to the game and were a hassle to keep track of.
- The Pitting car stat has been removed as well as it doesn't really work with the parts mechanic and the uselessness overall. There are plans for it to be reintegrated in a future update as some sort of strategy stat.

With that, I believe I have described the majority of the changes to Formula Universalis for season 6. That means that driver signing and car construction is now open.
If you need any help, just ask. I can walk you through it if something is unclear.

The 36 drivers you can choose to sign to your team are as follows:

You do not need to sign anyone if you wish to keep your current drivers.

To make an offer, just state which drivers you want to make an offer to and whether you want to use any Persuasion NP (you have up to 3 you can distribute however you want).

You can also post your car constructions by listing the parts you want to fabricate. The quality of the parts you get are dependent on your drivers' Testing skill so I won't run the part generation until you confirm your driver lineup.

Development points each team has for car constructions:
Peregrine Solea              24
Dotruga Formula Racing  26
Cows Go Moo Racing       25
BONGATAR                     23
Team V.V. Imperial          21
Team Diigikwk Racers     28
Team Vincent                 16
« Last Edit: May 25, 2020, 07:24:38 PM by atomic7732 »


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Re: Re: Formula Universalis [Season 6 - Pre-season]
« Reply #671 on: May 25, 2020, 08:05:25 PM »
ok bottom


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Re: Re: Formula Universalis [Season 6 - Pre-season]
« Reply #672 on: May 25, 2020, 08:06:22 PM »
can someone please speak that post to me i can't read right now


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Re: Re: Formula Universalis [Season 6 - Pre-season]
« Reply #673 on: May 25, 2020, 09:48:45 PM »
i will read at you


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 6 - Pre-season]
« Reply #674 on: May 26, 2020, 02:01:25 PM »
here's an example of the new Testing skill's effects on making parts

it shows the total skill of a randomly generated part for every testing skill, since the part quality depends on the team total testing skill from all your drivers. the part we tried to make here should have 35 skill points (and therefore costs 35 skill points), but we rarely actually get all 35 skill points out of it. you can see that new parts have a much higher spread than copied parts, but copied parts tend to not exceed the original part as often.

the jitter in the lines match each other not because 9 Testing is actually better than 10, for example, but because the copied part was calculated based on the new part, so the 9 Testing new part was randomly better, which also made the copied version of the part also better.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2020, 02:06:19 PM by atomic7732 »


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 6 - Pre-season]
« Reply #675 on: May 26, 2020, 02:36:46 PM »
post the table you posted in discord here


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 6 - Pre-season]
« Reply #676 on: May 26, 2020, 05:08:47 PM »
the negotiating power one? it's in the big pobst, first image
« Last Edit: May 26, 2020, 05:13:54 PM by atomic7732 »


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 6 - Pre-season]
« Reply #677 on: May 27, 2020, 09:05:45 PM »
we have some cars being built

dar and matty need to slim their teams down to 3 drivers so they can build their cars


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 6 - Race 1 - Kaeshar]
« Reply #678 on: May 31, 2020, 08:47:05 PM »
here we go

Kaeshari Practice (Default setup)

No one has any alternate setups so only one practice session is available.

Qualifying and the race will occur in the next few hours.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2020, 09:11:40 PM by atomic7732 »


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 6 - Race 1 - Kaeshar]
« Reply #679 on: May 31, 2020, 09:12:00 PM »
Kaeshari Qualifying


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 6 - Race 1 - Kaeshar]
« Reply #680 on: May 31, 2020, 09:45:57 PM »
Kaeshari Grand Prix

In their first race of their career, Báqázre Uŋjitba wins the Kaeshar Grand Prix for Cows Go Moo Racing!

Code: [Select]
Cows Go Moo Racing 58
Dotruga Formula Racing 20
Team Diigikwk Racers 6
Team V.V. Imperial 5
Peregrine Solea 0
Chrysalia Engineering 0
Team Vincent 0

Aeridanish track stats:
Corners - 3
Technical - 8
Straights - 2

Lap times attached
« Last Edit: May 31, 2020, 10:05:05 PM by atomic7732 »


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 6 - Race 1 - Kaeshar]
« Reply #681 on: May 31, 2020, 09:51:39 PM »
these names are bad cause i thought "It" was one of the drivers till i read the rest of that event message


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 6 - Race 1 - Kaeshar]
« Reply #682 on: June 02, 2020, 10:12:43 PM »
Kaeshari Driver Upgrades

Driver #53 Tešër Nīnak'a of Team Diigikwk Racers has upgraded their Testing. They now have 5.
This gives Diigikwk 15 testing overall.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2020, 10:18:54 PM by atomic7732 »


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 6 - Race 1 - Kaeshar]
« Reply #683 on: June 02, 2020, 10:15:40 PM »
thank you based tešÃ«r man


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 6 - Race 1 - Kaeshar]
« Reply #684 on: June 03, 2020, 11:46:40 PM »
Aeridanish Qualifying


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 6 - Race 2 - Aeridani]
« Reply #685 on: June 04, 2020, 12:14:28 AM »
Aeridanish Grand Prix

Báqázre Uŋjitba for wins their second race for Cows Go Moo Racing in Aeridani!

Team standings

Code: [Select]
Cows Go Moo Racing 95
Dotruga Formula Racing 48
Team V.V. Imperial 19
Team Diigikwk Racers 10
Peregrine Solea 1
Chrysalia Engineering 0
Team Vincent 0

Driver upgrades

Driver #99 Sago Aludetsei of Dotruga Formula Racing has upgraded their Finesse. They now have 7.
Driver #1 One of BONGATAR has upgraded their Cornering. They now have 8.
Driver #45 Viiŕce ʃiw of Cows Go Moo Racing has upgraded their Finesse. They now have 4.

Ethanthovan track stats:
Corners - 3
Technical - 2
Straights - 6

Lap times attached


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 6 - Race 2 - Aeridani]
« Reply #686 on: June 07, 2020, 07:00:52 PM »
Ethanthovan Qualifying


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 6 - Race 3 - Ethanthova]
« Reply #687 on: June 07, 2020, 08:22:20 PM »
Ethanthovan Grand Prix

Báqázre Uŋjitba for wins their third race in a row for Cows Go Moo Racing in Ethanthova!

Team standings

Code: [Select]
Cows Go Moo Racing 150
Dotruga Formula Racing 71
Team V.V. Imperial 25
Team Diigikwk Racers 13
Peregrine Solea 5
Chrysalia Engineering 0
Team Vincent 0

Car development

Some teams should be thinking about developing new parts before the next race and definitely by the race after that. Here's how the development points currently stand:

Code: [Select]
Cows Go Moo Racing 9
Dotruga Formula Racing 7.5
Team V.V. Imperial 6
Team Diigikwk Racers 6
Peregrine Solea 6
Chrysalia Engineering 6
Team Vincent 6

Driver upgrades

Driver #88 Kaésago Hreŋak of Dotruga Formula Racing has upgraded their Technical. They now have 2.
Driver #2 Two of BONGATAR has upgraded their Cornering. They now have 8.
Driver #47 ketila léqa pavúteka of Peregrine Solea has upgraded her Cornering. She now has 7.
Driver #41 Báqázre Uŋjitba of Cows Go Moo Racing has upgraded their Cornering. They now have 7.
Driver #36 Ko Moni Qłivana of Team Diigikwk Racers has upgraded their Testing. They now have 7.
Driver #80 Ifloenne é Aya of Team V.V. Imperial has upgraded their Defense. They now have 4.
Driver #21 Orson of Team Vincent has upgraded his Technical. He now has 3.
Driver #69 Chelsea Andrews of Chrysalia Engineering has upgraded her Cornering. She now has 4.

Tjedian track stats:
Corners - 2
Technical - 9
Straights - 10

Lap times attached
« Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 08:56:51 PM by atomic7732 »


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 6 - Race 3 - Ethanthova]
« Reply #688 on: June 08, 2020, 11:17:01 PM »


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Re: Formula Universalis [Season 6 - Race 4 - Tjedigar]
« Reply #689 on: June 10, 2020, 08:42:41 PM »
Tjedian Qualifying

Development updates

Chrysalia Engineering is developing a new Aero part which will be ready in Aiyota.
Team Vincent is developing a copy of Cows Go Moo Racing's Engine which will be ready in Aiyota.

(details on the Parts section of the spreadsheet)