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General Category => Everything Else => Topic started by: Darvince on June 26, 2013, 05:45:19 AM

Title: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on June 26, 2013, 05:45:19 AM
...more specifically the everyman (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Everyman.svg) sleep schedule. Also I made a topic this time so that I feel more obligated to follow it.

03:04 to 06:04

12:00 to 12:22
17:11 to 17:33
22:30 to 22:52

Plan: Get in bed by 11:50 for first nap, 17:00 for second nap, 22:20 for third nap, 02:50 for core.
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: FiahOwl on June 26, 2013, 05:56:52 AM

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Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Bla on June 26, 2013, 06:43:42 AM
Very interesting, good luck with the sleeping schedule, please post how it goes. :P

it takes 10 minutes to fall asleep usually unless you're really tired
I think that's very different from person to person. For me it takes hours, usually around 3 hours, even when I go to bed the same time every day. Which is one reason why I haven't been seriously considering trying something like this.
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: vh on June 26, 2013, 10:19:05 AM
i heard eating oatmeal while sleeping causes amnesia
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Bla on June 26, 2013, 10:19:56 AM
i heard eating oatmeal while sleeping causes amnesia
I don't remember ever hearing that

Btw Darvince, I'm curious why you chose exactly that sleep schedule. Did you find anything to promote the sleep schedule or any other polyphasic sleep schedules?

This suggests that polyphasic sleep schedules are never a good long term solution:
http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2005/03jun_naps/ (http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2005/03jun_naps/)

This also only suggests them as effective in special conditions:
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02678378908256879#.UcsqM_lM-E0 (http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02678378908256879#.UcsqM_lM-E0)

Some ideas to your experiment: Maybe instead of following the exact everyman schedule, you could try to make the "normal" sleep block larger, so you end up getting maybe 6-7 hours of sleep a day and gradually go down from that if you feel like it. It would probably be easier to transition to. But is it even possible to take those naps if you get enough sleep already? Sometimes I also try to rest, but I rarely end up sleeping, even when I'm very tired, but I don't think I could say I really try to sleep specifically. I guess it's different for other people.

Remembering how a few all-nighters I've done felt I'm just hoping you don't end up like this experiment. :P
Polyphasic Sleep Experiment (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9f1_yp-XPk#)
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on June 26, 2013, 01:03:29 PM
The deprivation of sleep (really small block of sleep) will cause you to go into REM sleep during your naps pretty much instantly. But yes, there is that sleep deprivation until your body learns to do it.

Unfortunately, I don't think there's definitive evidence that getting non-REM sleep is needed or not needed at all. The nap study lasted only 10 days, probably not long enough for those doing something similar to the Everyman to make their naps most effective, their sleep cycles were still normal.
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on June 26, 2013, 03:50:45 PM
fuck everything
i went to take a nap at 09:50 and set a loud alarm for 10:10 but nope it takes me until 15:30 to wake up >:(
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on June 26, 2013, 04:25:45 PM
... maybe you're just not an alarm person?  :-\
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on June 26, 2013, 04:35:38 PM
no, someone turned off all my alarms
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: blotz on June 26, 2013, 05:07:35 PM
maybe it's you but you forgot about it :P
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on June 26, 2013, 05:25:39 PM
no, someone turned off all my alarms
Yeah I don't think someone would do that...
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on June 26, 2013, 05:56:50 PM
I looked at my phone and all the alarms were off, and I didn't turn them off...?

anyways nap 1 went without sleep and then my alarm went off just as I fell asleep
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on June 26, 2013, 07:56:56 PM
They were off before they were supposed to go off... or after?

The way alarms work is they turn off after they go off, and if you slept through the alarm, then obviously they would no longer be set.
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on June 26, 2013, 08:01:40 PM
no the phone has a switch so that the alarms will sound when it is time and they are "on" or they will not sound when it is time and they are "off"
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on June 26, 2013, 10:58:07 PM
nap 2 went, also without sleep, although since stage 1 sleep you're still concious but not thinking i think i may have got some of that
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Bla on June 27, 2013, 02:18:42 AM
Maybe you need a louder alarm? Some of my family uses phone alarms, and basically for the last few months of school what happened was I woke at 5:50 from my alarm, then I just heard their phone making noises for all the time I spent on the bathroom. They don't wake up from it. The days where I'm not at school I sometimes can hear it just ringing for hours. So useless. I sometimes place my second alarm clock in front of their door and set it to ring while going to the bathroom just to let them feel how annoying it is to hear their stupid alarm clock for---ok so my suggestion was just that maybe you need a louder alarm.
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on June 27, 2013, 02:20:28 AM
Nah, I needed something more than just sound. So I turned on vibration.
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on June 27, 2013, 02:52:20 AM
I will of sleep now, if I wake up well after 6am I have entered the land of try again.
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Bla on June 27, 2013, 09:57:51 AM
Overslept by 4 hours now? :P
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Yqt1001 on June 27, 2013, 12:08:07 PM
I don't see how you are supposed to live on 4 hours of sleep. :P I guess you could get used to it eventually, but you'd probably died if you tried to do anything that required moving.
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: blotz on June 27, 2013, 12:43:17 PM
Not if you trained like that all *time* long. Anyways, he'll probably be half-sleeping later on if he doesn't get enough sleep.
The humane body is great like that
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on June 27, 2013, 12:51:22 PM
I don't see how you are supposed to live on 4 hours of sleep. :P I guess you could get used to it eventually, but you'd probably died if you tried to do anything that required moving.
It has to do with REM sleep.
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Yqt1001 on June 27, 2013, 01:32:14 PM
I don't see how you are supposed to live on 4 hours of sleep. :P I guess you could get used to it eventually, but you'd probably died if you tried to do anything that required moving.
It has to do with REM sleep.

Makes sense. Seems like something that wouldn't work with anything that has a schedule though. :P
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on June 27, 2013, 01:40:08 PM
[13:30]   Darvince   fiasdjfiojasdifjasdifojioawerjiojgidsjgfokvopkopjitkopkhckopkopfkopykwopekopkopjsioofdpo
   i woke up to both alarms but i was like "why the fuck" and went back to sleep
[13:31]   Kalassak   darvince lovely job you did then
   Darvince   kol
   Kalassak   no polyphasicing i suppose?
   Darvince   i am not going to sotop trying
[13:32]   Kalassak   but you did stop trying
   you have to be deprived of sleep before you will insta-REM
   Darvince   no i didn't realize what they were for until i woke up without an alarm
   and now i am like "how was i so sotupid"
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Bla on June 28, 2013, 11:55:37 AM

Not going to try polyphasicing myself, because it seems like I'm unnormally bad at falling asleep. :(
However, I will investigate this matter further by writing down timestamps from my alarm clock at random moments in the night so I can see when I wake up (approx), get up, go to bed, fall asleep (approx) and the approx number of times I wake up randomly during the night. The plan is to include them all in my Satstats from now on, but this seems even more bureaucratic than graphing my exercise, so not sure if it'll work well.

Data from first night:

Went to bed: 22:40
Slept: 0:30 (this is the last timestamp I wrote down before falling asleep at least)
Timestamps written down during the night: 2:07, 3:31, 5:44
Woke up: 8:05
Left bed: 9:32

Yes, it's pretty hard to actually say when exactly I've been asleep, apparently I had 3 dreams (first about a game, then one about me apparently getting a random imaginary boyfriend and trying to avoid family, then a completely distorted world where I was in a high school like a gigantic maze, people from both primary school and high school, where everyone hates me, someone avoids me who I don't want to avoid me, all sort of social conflicts and people getting angry and violent etc.)

Of course I also was awake for some minutes around the timestamps in the night, maybe all the way from 2:07 to 3:31, but it would be too bureaucratic to include that in the statistics, so I'll just include up to 4 moments as points in time. Here's a graph of today so far.

At one point this night I actually remember seeing the clock write something like XX:87 I think, and thought about the xkcd with the night clock and how vh should see that :P but I didn't find that I wrote it down in the morning, so that might've been a dream or Idk what.

Maybe I should've posted this in a separate thread, then again I guess there aren't that many people who are interested in my sleeping problems so oh well. I can also just repost it in dream thread if you want that Darvince. :b
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: blotz on June 28, 2013, 12:37:17 PM
all i see: Bla, the largest, then me, then kip, and a small bit oh hellpotate

and i think you invented a new graph :)
couldn't you have used a color coded, possible double or triple line graph?
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on June 28, 2013, 03:33:34 PM
darv you don't seem to be doing better each day :/
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: blotz on June 28, 2013, 03:43:58 PM
get the alarm where you have to shoot 3 times at a board and about bulls eye before it shuts off
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on June 28, 2013, 04:02:29 PM
no i am doing worse each days

also bla those approx 90 minute times between the writing down timestamps is probably a sleep cycle
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on June 28, 2013, 04:39:35 PM
were you so tired you just lay in bed
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on June 29, 2013, 07:23:35 AM
uhhhhh day #4? no success

(you are trying to wake up at 13z?)

did you go to sleep on time
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on July 08, 2013, 11:56:14 AM

i realized i am getting tired and it is around the time when i wanted to sleep for my first nap of the day and i have been awake for 17 hours wish me luck in not falling asleep for a year
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on July 08, 2013, 12:27:22 PM
yeah well i'm sure your base block will need repositioning and that might be tough especially if you incorrectly execute your intra-nap maneuvers
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Bla on July 08, 2013, 12:28:15 PM
Good luck in your sleepy adventures.
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on July 08, 2013, 07:19:08 PM
i fell asleep for half a year, not too bad
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Bla on July 20, 2013, 08:19:17 AM
Darvince, are you still trying polyphasicing? How is it going?

My sleep over soon the past month, it has changed a lot since I got medicine which makes me sleepy. I usually fall asleep in ~30 minutes now.
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on July 20, 2013, 08:25:49 AM
kol you crazy dane
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on July 25, 2013, 12:37:56 AM
i've actually been sleeping segmented sleep the past several days, but tonight i'm probably going to be monophasic again.
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Bla on January 28, 2014, 06:13:54 PM
Sleep over the past bit over a half year now. I usually fall asleep within an hour, maybe even half an hour, if I don't mess up my sleeping pattern (like that's ever going to happen when most friends live in USA kol), and I rarely wake up during the night anymore. (However, I've become more lazy in recording the data as well, and considered stopping several times. Especially in the morning it is hard to really determine whether I should include the hours as yellow or blue, because I may wake up and rest for a few hours, sleeping some of the time.)

Displacing it 6 hours makes it easier to see the sleep pattern. Kol.
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on February 02, 2015, 08:36:25 AM
shud intry this again on spring break or on the summer
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on February 02, 2015, 11:17:51 AM
such bump
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on May 22, 2015, 11:52:01 PM
yeah i'm gonna do this tomorrow

plan: stay up for 2 days (05-23 till 05-25 for nap one) so it doesn't fail the frick
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Jorster on May 23, 2015, 09:27:00 AM
wouldn't everything get fucked as soon as you have daily obligations again?
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on May 23, 2015, 09:59:49 AM
no because it's already planned around those (core finish time is when i usually need to wake up for school, first nap is during lunch, second and third i'm at home)
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on May 24, 2015, 12:22:56 AM
i'm beginning to reconsider polyphaisc
   do i really want lesssleep
   there's not really anything i can do with that extra time

also why does this topic have so many views

also I think I'm going to try and reduce sleep debt from school before trying to switch to this, so I'll peg this for starting on 05-31, sleepless nights on 05-29 and 05-30
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: tuto99 on May 24, 2015, 04:18:04 AM
why would you do this sleep is sooo goood
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on May 24, 2015, 05:50:12 AM
i don't understand why you'd reduce your sleep debt, only to deprive yourself of sleep...

wouldn't you already have a head start?

also how is it going to work if kolkon, or that vacation thing to seattle you have
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on May 24, 2015, 10:10:02 AM
yeah nevermind that I'm gonna start it tonight
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on May 25, 2015, 03:41:01 AM
So I figured out that there's a slight problem with my schedule - during the core time, there would be two REM sleep phases and during the naps scattered throughout the day, there would be three more. The Uberman schedule has six REM sleep phases, so I need to rejiggle the naps to get the desired six REM sleep cycles, corresponding to about nine hours of monophasic sleep.

Bad schedule:
03:04 to 06:04

12:00 to 12:22
17:11 to 17:33
22:30 to 22:52

Better schedule:
03:00 to 06:00

11:50 to 12:10 - gap of ~4.9 hours from original wake time
15:30 to 15:50 - gap of ~3.4 hours from last nap
19:10 to 19:30 - gap of ~3.3 hours from last nap
23:00 to 23:20 - gap of 3.5 hours from last nap
And then ~3.6 hours until the core sleep

The most difficult part of this should be the first and second naps since they're both not with the correct amount of gap. The first nap should be especially interesting adjusting to it. Theoretically, the ideal schedule would look like this (with core time from 03:00 to 06:00):

Adjusted for absolute time off from perfect:
10:02 to 10:22 - delayed by 1 hour, 48 minutes
14:14 to 14:34 - delayed by 1 hour, 16 minutes
18:36 to 18:56 - delayed by 34 minutes
22:38 to 22:58 - delayed by 22 minutes

Adjusted for relative gaps between naps:
10:02 to 10:22 - delayed by 1 hour, 48 minutes
14:14 to 14:34 - advanced by 32 minutes
18:36 to 18:56 - advanced by 32 minutes
22:38 to 22:58 - advanced by 22 minutes
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on May 25, 2015, 11:00:39 AM
aren't you supposed to just lengthen core to 3.5 hours to get the third REM cycle in the core
also i read your core should be at the start of the night instead of right before you get up

idk just from googling a bit about everyman

also these sleep cycles seem kind of silly in that they are extremely rigid and fragile
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on May 25, 2015, 11:27:46 AM
what do you mean they seem fragile
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on May 25, 2015, 11:30:31 AM
if you miss a nap you have to move it to a certain spot and if you miss the core you have to have planned ahead to do so you can't just move your sleep schedule around like you can in monophasic/biphasic sleep

for example i couldn't have gone onto summer vacation, started staying up until 2 (changing it in practically a day), then one day sleep at 1 and get up at 5 for an event, and then take a 2 hour nap after it's over, and then stay up until 2 in the morning again
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on May 25, 2015, 12:39:33 PM
well that's actually part of why I chose everyman over uberman, it's more flexible than that, so if I fail to get one nap I won't die (if I ever make it past the breaking point where it starts getting easy)
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on May 26, 2015, 01:02:07 AM
so nue explained my why I should lengthen my core to 3.5 hours in order to reduce my naps throughout the day - so my first schedule wasn't bad, it just had too short core time.

New this one is right dammit schedule:

CORE: 02:30 - 06:00
11:50 to 12:10 - gap of ~4.9 hours
16:10 to 16:30 - gap of 4 hours
20:30 to 20:50 - gap of 4 hours
and then another 4.7 hour gap between the end of the last nap and core sleep.
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on May 30, 2015, 12:52:09 AM
holy shit I am so tired

In case you're wondering I'm doing the Uberman schedule until I am fully adjusted to the polyphasic lifestyle, per se, and so far I have not slept at all since I woke up yesterday and then decided to begin at the 3am nap yesterday.

My schedule:
03:00 - 03:20
07:00 - 07:20
11:00 - 11:20
15:00 - 15:20
19:00 - 19:20
23:00 - 23:20

Naps can be added at the middle between the naps, so these are the available extra nap slots (if needed):
01:00 - 01:20 - I'm about to take this one
05:00 - 05:20
09:00 - 09:20
13:00 - 13:20
17:00 - 17:20
21:00 - 21:20
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Jorster on May 31, 2015, 08:47:10 AM
why sleep in a polyphasic manner when you can just constantly be on meth, and never have to sleep?
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Bla on May 31, 2015, 11:26:04 AM
Being on meth and never sleeping tends to cause death, which may be a minor inconvenience
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on May 31, 2015, 12:04:53 PM
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Jorster on May 31, 2015, 07:20:29 PM
Well yeah, but you also get to experience the sought after "Amphetamine Psychosis", or what I like to affectionately refer to as temporary Schizophrenia :D
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: blotz on June 01, 2015, 07:21:35 PM
here bla i found this for you
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on June 03, 2015, 06:55:12 AM
huh I thought bla and/or others tried to persuade me against this in the thread, but other than reply #4 I don't really see anything.

Anyway, the deepest psychological effects of taking an uberman schedule without any long times of sleep whatsoever are vast and seem to take months to complete, but once all of them are completed I see no reason why it can't be extended indefinitely. While there may be unknown effects from carrying it out over years and years, I am most likely not going to ever see them as I already know that I am not going to continue this schedule indefinitely, only until some major roadblock occurs and I have to either switch to an Everyman schedule or revert entirely back to monophasic sleep. My original intentions with this were to have an everyman schedule, which seems to be more in line with the monophasic society.

I was doing some reading on arguments against polyphasic sleep throughout the night, especially focused on these two articles in particular, both of them by the same author:


The main thing about this is that there is simply so tiny of a body of actual scientific research on it, particularly on any studies which focus on both forms of adaptation, both physical and psychological. The psychological adaptation for the everyman schedules are far less intensive than for the uberman schedule, but they both may have their challenges. Many of my thoughts on their subject are the insight they give into the circadian rhythm, and one comment in particular from their articles drew my attention and thought:

«   Phase 0: Waking time: napping in Phase 0 is possible... [] ...It will also introduce unwelcome oscillations in the circadian system that may take a few days to clear up.» (cleaned for parts irrelevant to my thoughts)

Basically, it shows that the circadian rhythm is actively malleable, and can most likely be stretched to its limits and fall apart entirely if an uberman schedule is adapted. Those oscillations could be taken advantage of and when at times of low energy, a polyphasic nap could be taken. The only difficulty then would be removing the large block of low energy which occurs during the night and is nearly unshakable from the rhythm. He also states that, while newborns will have a polyphasic sleep cycle, their one-year-old cohorts will have a biphasic sleep cycle like adult humans.

One method that may work in preventing the nighttime drowsiness would be to push the largest block of sleep to during the day before attempting this so that the body will get even more confused as the circadian rhythm is not matched with what is happening in reality whatsoever (that is, six naps equally spaced throughout the day) and the rhythm would hopefully weaken and allow for a faster transition, although the severe sleep deprivation of the transition also seems to be unavoidable and necessary to enter a polyphasic schedule and actually maintain it rather than transition slowly and horribly, resulting in a great deal of stress on the circadian rhythm, almost always too high to handle (as the abundant failures at polyphasic sleep can attest).

He also shows quite a bit of bias in his article against it:
«Phase 18-24: Night sleep: if you try to nap in Phase 18-24, you are bound to trigger a normal healthy night sleep. This is okay as long as you do not get down to "napping" with the evil intent of stopping the process in 20-40 min. Here is were the pain of polyphasic sleeping becomes hardest to bear.»
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Lord DC on June 03, 2015, 07:08:45 AM
it's weird. Whenever i stay up past 03:00 I usually wake up sometime in the zone of 12:00
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on June 03, 2015, 01:23:58 PM
dar but aren't circadian rhythms like... important

you talk about them like you can get rid of them through fucking your schedule up and have no problems
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on June 04, 2015, 07:57:12 AM
i'm starting to wonder where the loss of memorable consciousness occurs - is it with stage 2 sleep? when reaching deep sleep? you have some sort of consciousness in REM otherwise dreams wouldn't happen
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on June 05, 2015, 06:02:10 AM
well I just overslept by about an hour and a half and was woken up by a thunderstorm - I don't know which part of the process failed, but apparently I need to practice getting up with the alarm more. :P

So, it turns out I need to remember to turn my volume back up, and also there is a severe problem with practicing getting up with the alarm, as I always have a nice breakfast ready for me when I get out to the kitchen (thanks mom, you da best!) but it also means that when I got out there for my first time practicing getting up with the alarm, I had a severe disconnect because there was nothing on the table. Which means she needs to start having me prepare my own breakfast, at least one or two parts of it anyways.
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on June 05, 2015, 11:39:01 AM
i also woke up to a thunderstorm kol...

Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on June 05, 2015, 12:02:59 PM
thunderstorms: the best alarm clocks
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: tuto99 on June 05, 2015, 12:21:09 PM
thunderstorms: peaceful
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on June 05, 2015, 12:22:30 PM
yeah like if you don't see a flash and then hear a loud bang... while you're sleeping right next to a window

sleepyme logic said i could protect myself if i just cover myself 100% with my blankets
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: tuto99 on June 05, 2015, 12:23:54 PM
thanks for stating the obvious
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on June 05, 2015, 12:24:43 PM
they are nice during the day but i'm still scared af when they happen at night
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on June 10, 2015, 03:22:52 AM
i wanted to be free today and i somehow decided the best way to do that was to just sleep for hours and hours


oh well i can restart it like tomorrow or sth
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on June 12, 2015, 04:57:50 AM
adding extra naps is fun 11/10 would recommend to all prospective polyphasic sleepers (also I had a mindblowing breakthrough that this won't change anything except make me tired for about a week)
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on June 12, 2015, 06:53:24 AM
what are you doing now
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on June 14, 2015, 12:26:56 PM
I am strictly napping today, I was sort of doing an 'eh whatever if I sleep that's fine if I don't sleep ever that's fine too but sleeping is preferable' for the past couple of days.

My last nap (11:00) was pretty bad as I didn't get nice and cool until about ten minutes in and then I fell pretty far asleep before the alarm woke me right back up again.
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on June 15, 2015, 03:29:24 AM
i appear to have taken my first successful nap where I actually reached REM and did it within the time allotted
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on June 15, 2015, 02:40:52 PM
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on June 15, 2015, 06:09:32 PM
and then no one was online on irc and i felt kinda off because i was playing on a minecraft server with enormous ore veins distributed throughout the everything so i went to sleep
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on June 15, 2015, 07:01:27 PM
rip your polyphasicing
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on June 15, 2015, 09:53:38 PM
no it is not rip
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on July 22, 2015, 02:52:27 AM
yeah it did rip but yesterday I literally jumped for joy at the thought of trying it out again, idk why, but anyway here we go again
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: atomic7732 on July 22, 2015, 02:53:52 AM
whatever you do keep in mind we're probably going to kolkon once before you school so idk
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on July 22, 2015, 02:57:53 AM
me neither because i have that and other obligations but i got so pumped about it, that, idk??????? tbh i'm thinking i shouldn't actually do this because i basically have to play my homework and also play kolkon in the timespan of the next two weeks since a large portion of summer is already over, and the next time i could try it is either christmas break if i do it perfectly, spring break (again if i do it perfectly and don't choose a thingy for the week before spring break that takes me out of the city and away from naptimes) or next summer :-/

next summer is so far away

and there's no way i'm completely giving up on this, it's been tugging on my brain pretty much since i posted it, and the schedule feels like it would be more natural for me
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on July 22, 2015, 03:12:59 AM
Code: [Select]
[2015-07-22 03:03:05] <Kalassak> dar last time you polyphasic'd
[2015-07-22 03:03:07] <Kalassak> i was like
[2015-07-22 03:03:14] <Kalassak> idk
[2015-07-22 03:03:30] <Darvince> what do you mean
[2015-07-22 03:03:30] <Kalassak> i was hoping you either succeeded or failed
[2015-07-22 03:03:35] <Kalassak> but you ended up like
[2015-07-22 03:03:38] <Kalassak> trying over and over again
[2015-07-22 03:03:44] <Kalassak> and it was like bleh
[2015-07-22 03:03:53] <Kalassak> but that's me being selfish so don't worry about it
[2015-07-22 03:03:59] <Darvince> «and there's no way i'm completely giving up on this, it's been tugging on my brain pretty much since i posted it, and the schedule feels like it would be more natural for me»
[2015-07-22 03:04:05] <Darvince> it's weird
[2015-07-22 03:04:30] <God-Emperor_DC> anyone want to sample my two latest tracks?
[2015-07-22 03:04:38] <Darvince> like night is usually my best time for doing personal things that i like to do
[2015-07-22 03:04:43] <Darvince> and the day is dedicated to others
[2015-07-22 03:04:58] <Darvince> but i don't have access to much of the night most of the year
[2015-07-22 03:05:20] <Darvince> unless i stay up and then am really tired the next day
[2015-07-22 03:05:42] <Darvince> due to my inefficient schedule - idk that sounds weird
[2015-07-22 03:05:45] <Kalassak> it was really frustrating seeing you get so close and then ending up just sleeping through your alarms and having to try over and over
[2015-07-22 03:05:51] <Darvince> me too
[2015-07-22 03:05:54] <God-Emperor_DC> no? ok.
[2015-07-22 03:06:07] <Darvince> yes lord dc
[2015-07-22 03:06:09] <Kalassak> lord dc what do you mean sample
[2015-07-22 03:06:09] <Darvince> it's just
[2015-07-22 03:06:14] <God-Emperor_DC> like listen
[2015-07-22 03:06:17] <Darvince> oh sure
[2015-07-22 03:06:46] <Kalassak> link them and i'll listen in the morning
[2015-07-22 03:06:49] <God-Emperor_DC> https://soundcloud.com/tags/omnipotencia
[2015-07-22 03:06:50] <Kalassak> i need to be going to bed
[2015-07-22 03:06:52] <Darvince> if i could just give up completely on polyphasic and get rid of the nagging
[2015-07-22 03:07:00] <Darvince> then
[2015-07-22 03:07:02] <Darvince> i don't know
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on October 27, 2015, 11:27:17 PM
I am an

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A                         B

and thought of doing this again due to my needs for doing shittons of homework but also my need for remaining a functioning human being
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on September 14, 2016, 07:01:49 AM
i have a fetish for this
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on February 14, 2017, 12:23:16 AM
lmao i've been up for 27.5 hours now (i hope i don't shitpost a bunch in this topic later)
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on February 14, 2017, 01:43:05 AM
28.8 hours
Title: Re: Darv tries polyphasicing
Post by: Darvince on February 14, 2017, 02:16:02 AM
29 hours and i'm going to sleep (I misjudged before)