Universe Sandbox
Universe Sandbox Legacy => Universe Sandbox Legacy | Discussion => Topic started by: Kahubu on August 23, 2012, 04:18:48 AM
I was wondering if there is a possible release date for the new Universe Sandbox 3?
You don't need of post it on Everything Else, i think xD
No, i think, but is in 2013, i think
I don't think there has been any more accurate statements than this so far:
Universe Sandbox 3 is a major update due out later this year for both Windows and Mac.
Dan has said it should be out sometime this year and we have half a year to go before 2013.
Fair question and one I have't address in some time.
The team talked about a release date while we were in Amsterdam at Unite 2012. In short, this project is talking longer than originally expected because we're making more changes and improvements than originally expected. We're adding some new features that I'm really excited about.
Current Plan
- Release a closed beta at the end of 2012
- Public release in 2013
- Begin working on improvements and updates
We've missed our release date in 2012, I'm sorry about that. In compensation Universe Sandbox going to be more awesome than original conceived of when the 2012 date was promised.
In addition to all the improvements, the new code base is a dramatic improvement from the current version. Writing good code also takes longer, but it makes it more flexible, easier to squash bugs, and future proof.
Heck yeah, can't wait for my beta key to the ever more awesome universe sandbox 3
Same!!! :D
I hope the Beta will be released soon. :)
Yeah, thats understandable, better to have a quaility product, right?
I assume everybody here would be in on the beta? I'd like to be in on it as well please.
Heck yeah, can't wait for my beta key to the ever more awesome universe sandbox 3
The beta will be on November or under December.
Dan, Do you even know whate date will universe sandbox 3 beta will be released? I Really wanted to know ???
I opened all the pictures and topics about Universe sandbox 3 and it was SO AMAZING AND COOL!!! ;D
outstanding guys take your time! :]
How will the closed beta people be chosen?
Hopefully I can get the Beta. ;D
The beta will be on November or under December.
What? we want it now!!!
The beta will be on November or under December.
What? we want it now!!!
you got to wait :P
Hopefully I can get the Beta. ;D
Actually, you can get the beta right now. If you have Universe sandbox on steam, right click on it, go to properties, select the beta tab and enable the beta. Not much added, but that's all to it.
Actually, you can get the beta right now. If you have Universe sandbox on steam, right click on it, go to properties, select the beta tab and enable the beta. Not much added, but that's all to it.
What if you don't have the steam version?
one more month or this month!! beta is coming soon!!!!
I predict beta will be released on the 12th of December at 2:14pm EST.
I predict beta will be released on the 12th of December at 2:14pm EST.
Really, how did you know?
Really, how did you know?
It's a random prediction, even I don't know when it will be released. :)
I predict beta will be released on the 12th of December at 2:14pm EST.
Really, how did you know?
I'm from the future... Jk jk, it is just a random prediction but I hope it comes true! Ubox 3 is looking sweet.
My prediction: November 20, 2012, at 12:34:19am PST.
my prediction:
January 2, 2013, at 11:06
- Release a closed beta at the end of 2012
Possible birth date of my first son: March 10, 2027, at 10:53:36pm
I don't know XD XD XD
Possible birth date of my first son: March 10, 2027, at 10:53:36pm
How do you know your child won't be a daughter?
Possible birth date of my first son: March 10, 2027, at 10:53:36pm
How do you know your child won't be a daughter?
Possible birth date of my first son: March 10, 2027, at 10:53:36pm
How do you know your child won't be a daughter?
I don't know, :D
I'm not even sure if I am going to have a child or not. XD
Kinda getting off topic here, so let's try to stay on topic ;)
Kinda getting off topic here, so let's try to stay on topic ;)
20121201 to 20130228 is probable.
20121201 to 20130228 is probable.
Why dont 01/12/2012 to 28/02/2013? :P
I beta tested ubox 2 back in the day, definitely looking forward to signing up for the beta of ubox 3. Also, will ubox 3 be free to people who own ubox 2?
I beta tested ubox 2 back in the day, definitely looking forward to signing up for the beta of ubox 3. Also, will ubox 3 be free to people who own ubox 2?
The beta of ubox 3 is auto to those ones that have ubox 2, and yes, it will be free to people who own ubox 2.
I beta tested ubox 2 back in the day, definitely looking forward to signing up for the beta of ubox 3. Also, will ubox 3 be free to people who own ubox 2?
The beta of ubox 3 is auto to those ones that have ubox 2, and yes, it will be free to people who own ubox 2.
http://universesandbox.com/forum/index.php/topic,8350.0.html (http://universesandbox.com/forum/index.php/topic,8350.0.html)
I beta tested ubox 2 back in the day, definitely looking forward to signing up for the beta of ubox 3. Also, will ubox 3 be free to people who own ubox 2?
The beta of ubox 3 is auto to those ones that have ubox 2, and yes, it will be free to people who own ubox 2.
http://universesandbox.com/forum/index.php/topic,8350.0.html (http://universesandbox.com/forum/index.php/topic,8350.0.html)
It was at the time of the comment.