Universe Sandbox Legacy > Universe Sandbox 2010 Beta | Discussion

New Tutorial in Beta 5

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Dan Dixon:
The latest beta release (Beta 5) includes a new tutorial system.

The tutorial is a first draft and shows how the tutorial system will work.

We plan on updating all the "Fun Things to Do" to the new tutorial format.

- What else should the basic, intro tutorial explain?
- What other topics would you like to see covered?
- What suggestions do you have to make the tutorial flow or the tutorial system better?

Now I've tried the tutorial. I Think it's very good, easy and fast. I like the highlighting thing, but on the other side, as soon as I saw it I had to force myself to read the text before interacting at the highlight. I don't Know if that's good, doesn't matter or bad, but I guess it's up to the people themselves.

I Think to make people Think a little more about what they do, maybe adding a slight delay after you complete a lesson etc. could make people not just jump to the next task and perhaps forget the previous one.

In the basic tutorial, I Think creating an object should be covered too. Maybe it should also get people to see a galaxy, and then they were guided to create another one and watch them collide.
Maybe also adding a ring around an object?

Chaotic Cow:
I like the tutorial.

I think the highlight effect is ugly. I would choose something like bouncing arrows.

I think the tutorial part that you read on the top should be a little more noticeable but it isn't bad really.

The delay idea from Bla I like. It felt almost too fast for me even.

Dan Dixon:
Thank you both.

Critical and specific feedback is great and very helpful.

Most of it's fine, but where is the tutorial steps teaching you about gravity constant's or time step or even what everything means in the planet settings?


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