This is an LFAQ (less frequently asked questions). Here is an FAQ for Universe Sandbox ².


Will there be a mobile version?

Maybe. It is possible, but we wouldn’t begin development until after the initial release for PC, Mac, and Linux.


Will there be a free version?

We’re discussing the possibility of a feature-limited version, but not until after the initial release.


How much will it cost?

Pricing has not yet been decided. It will, however, cost more than the current price for the original Universe Sandbox ($9.95 USD). Educational discounts have not yet been determined either.


Will it support other languages beyond English?

After the initial release, we plan to incorporate support for additional languages.


Will there be sound effects and/or music?

Yes, we are working with a composer who will be creating an original score. There will also be sound effects. If you’d rather experience the silent desolation of space, though, there will be an option to turn these off.


Will you be able to simulate evolution/life on planets?

We plan to incorporate very basic support for “life.” Essentially, given the right conditions — temperature, atmosphere, water, etc. — vegetation will grow on planets. Greater complexity may be developed in the future, but it’s a long way off.


Will there be support for Steam Workshop?

We plan to add support for Steam Workshop that will, in the least, allow for sharing user-created simulations.


How about modding?

Making it easy for the community to create mods is a great idea.  “Light” modding will hopefully be available by release, with more extensive modding possibilities made possible later on.